OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
String title = "EJBean Bean-managed Persistence Servlet";
ServletPage sp = new ServletPage(title);
.addElement(new HeadingElement(title, 1));
printElement("", sp);
// Get parameters off URL; example:
// "http://localhost:7001/beanManaged?user=foobar&password=FooBarNone"
String user = req.getParameter("user");
String password = req.getParameter("password");
if(user!=null && password!=null){
printElement("Using user <b>" + user
+ "</b> and password <b> " + password + "</b>", sp);
printElement("", sp);
} else {
printElement("No user and password credentials", sp);
printElement("", sp);
double amount = 100;
double balance = 3000;
Vector v = new Vector();
try {
// Contact the AccountBean container (the "AccountHome") through JNDI.
Context ctx = getInitialContext();
AccountHome home = (AccountHome) ctx.lookup("beanManaged.AccountHome");
// Find the Account or create it.
Account ac = null;
try {
printElement("Looking up account " + accountId + "...", sp);
ac = (Account) home.findByPrimaryKey(accountId);
catch (Exception ee) {
printElement("Did not find " + accountId, sp);
if (ac == null) {
printElement("Account " + accountId +
" being created; opening balance is $" + balance, sp);
ac = home.create(accountId, balance);
else {
printElement("Account " + accountId + " found; balance is $" + ac.balance(), sp);
printElement("", sp);
// Part A: Deposit and attempt to withdraw more than the current
// account balance. An application-specific exception should be thrown.
printElement("Part A: Depositing $" + amount, sp);
balance = ac.deposit(amount);
printElement("Current balance is $" + balance, sp);
printElement("", sp);
amount = balance + 10;
try {
printElement("Withdrawing amount greater than current balance. Expecting an exception...", sp);
balance = ac.withdraw(amount);
printElement("Error: expected an exception.", sp);
catch (ProcessingErrorException pe) {
printElement("Received expected Processing Error:<br>" + pe, sp);
printElement("", sp);
// Part B: Create some new accounts, with different initial balances.
// Find all the accounts with a balance greater than a specific value.
// When finished, the new accounts are removed.
int numAccounts = 5;
printElement("Part B: Creating " + numAccounts + " new accounts...", sp);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
String id = "" + now + i; // unique account id
balance = i*100; // initial balance
v.addElement(home.create(id, balance));
printElement("Created account: " + id +
"; balance is $" + balance, sp);
printElement("", sp);
if (v.size() == numAccounts) {
printElement("" + numAccounts + " accounts successfully created", sp);
else {
printElement("Error: Only " + v.size() +
" accounts were created successfully", sp);
printElement("", sp);
double balanceGreaterThan = 200;
printElement("Querying for accounts with a balance greater than " +
balanceGreaterThan + "...", sp);
Enumeration e = home.findBigAccounts(balanceGreaterThan);
if (e != null) {
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Account bigAccount= (Account) e.nextElement();
printElement("Account " + bigAccount.getPrimaryKey() +
"; balance is $" + bigAccount.balance(), sp);
printElement("", sp);
printElement("Removing accounts just created...", sp);
for (int i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
String id = "" + now + i;
printElement("Removed account: " +id, sp);
printElement("", sp);
// Catch any exceptions
catch (ProcessingErrorException pe) {
printElement("Unexpected Processing Error: " + pe, sp);
catch (Exception e) {
printElement(":::::::::::::: Unexpected Error :::::::::::::::::", sp);
finally {
printElement("End beanManaged.Servlet...", sp);