Package viewer.zoomable

Examples of viewer.zoomable.CoordPixelImage

            offGraphics.fillRect( 0, 0, offImage_width, offImage_height );

            int    irow;
            int    i_Y;

            CoordPixelImage coord_xform;  // local Coordinate Transform
            coord_xform = new CoordPixelImage( this, row_height, timebounds );

            // Set AntiAliasing OFF for all the horizontal and vertical lines
            offGraphics.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
                                          RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF );

            // Draw the center TimeLines.
            offGraphics.setColor( Color.cyan );
            for ( irow = 0 ; irow < num_rows ; irow++ ) {
                //  Select only non-expanded row
                if ( ! tree_view.isExpanded( irow ) ) {
                    i_Y = coord_xform.convertRowToPixel( (float) irow );
                    offGraphics.drawLine( 0, i_Y, offImage_width-1, i_Y );

            // Draw the image separator when in Debug or Profile mode
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    public InfoDialog getPropertyAt( final Point            local_click,
                                     final TimeBoundingBox  vport_timeframe )

        /* System.out.println( "\nshowPropertyAt() " + local_click ); */
        CoordPixelImage coord_xform;  // Local Coordinate Transform
        coord_xform = new CoordPixelImage( this, row_height,
                                           super.getTimeBoundsOfImages() );
        double clicked_time = coord_xform.convertPixelToTime( local_click.x );

        // Determine the timeframe of the current view by vport_timeframe
        // System.out.println( "CurrView's timeframe = " + vport_timeframe );

        Summarizable  clicked_summary;
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            offGraphics.fillRect( 0, 0, offImage_width, offImage_height );

            int    irow;
            int    i_Y;

            CoordPixelImage coord_xform;  // local Coordinate Transform
            coord_xform = new CoordPixelImage( this, row_height, timebounds );

            // Set AntiAliasing OFF for all the horizontal and vertical lines
            offGraphics.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
                                          RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF );

            // Draw the center TimeLines.
            offGraphics.setColor( Color.cyan );
            for ( irow = 0 ; irow < num_rows ; irow++ ) {
                //  Select only non-expanded row
                if ( ! tree_view.isExpanded( irow ) ) {
                    i_Y = coord_xform.convertRowToPixel( (float) irow );
                    offGraphics.drawLine( 0, i_Y, offImage_width-1, i_Y );

            // Draw the image separator when in Debug or Profile mode
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    public InfoDialog getPropertyAt( final Point            local_click,
                                     final TimeBoundingBox  vport_timeframe )

        /* System.out.println( "\nshowPropertyAt() " + local_click ); */
        CoordPixelImage coord_xform;  // Local Coordinate Transform
        coord_xform = new CoordPixelImage( this, row_height,
                                           super.getTimeBoundsOfImages() );
        double clicked_time = coord_xform.convertPixelToTime( local_click.x );

        // Determine the timeframe of the current view by vport_timeframe
        // System.out.println( "CurrView's timeframe = " + vport_timeframe );

        Map map_line2treeleaf = y_maps.getMapOfLineIDToTreeLeaf();
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    public Rectangle localRectangleForDrawable( final Drawable dobj )
        CoordPixelImage       coord_xform;
        Rectangle             local_rect;
        int                   rowID;
        float                 nesting_ftr;
        float                 rStart, rFinal;
        int                   xloc, yloc, width, height;
        // local_rect is created with CanvasTimeline's pixel coordinate system
        coord_xform = new CoordPixelImage( this, row_height,
                                           super.getTimeBoundsOfImages() );
        xloc   = coord_xform.convertTimeToPixel( dobj.getEarliestTime() );
        width  = coord_xform.convertTimeToPixel( dobj.getLatestTime() )
               - xloc;

        /* assume RowID and NestingFactor have been calculated */
        rowID       = dobj.getRowID();
        nesting_ftr = dobj.getNestingFactor();
        rStart      = (float) rowID - nesting_ftr / 2.0f;
        rFinal      = rStart + nesting_ftr;

        yloc   = coord_xform.convertRowToPixel( rStart );
        height = coord_xform.convertRowToPixel( rFinal ) - yloc;
        local_rect = new Rectangle( xloc, yloc, width, height );
        return local_rect;
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Related Classes of viewer.zoomable.CoordPixelImage

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