Package util

Examples of util.Buffer

            key = key.substring(0, i);
          key = key.replaceAll("-", "");
          Buffer b = Hashing.HashMain.hashKey(0, 0, key);
          int prod = b.removeDWord()//Product
          cdkeys.add(new CDKey(key, prod, comment));
      } catch(Exception e) {"KeyManager", "Couldn't parse cdkeys.txt line: " + key);
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        SRP srp = new SRP("username", "password");
        byte []salt = new byte[32];

        System.out.println("v: " + srp.get_v(new byte[32]).toString(16));
        System.out.println("A: " + new Buffer(srp.get_A()));
        System.out.println("u: " + srp.get_u(salt).toString(16));
        System.out.println("S: " + new Buffer(srp.get_S(salt, salt)));
        System.out.println("K: " + new Buffer(srp.get_K(srp.get_S(salt, salt))));
        System.out.println("M1: " + new Buffer(srp.getM1(salt, salt)));
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     * @return The 20-byte hash (5 ints).
    public int[] getKeyHash(int clientToken, int serverToken)
        Buffer hashData = new Buffer();
        return BrokenSHA1.calcHashBuffer(hashData.getBuffer());
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          int mpq = buff.removeByte();
          String value = buff.removeNTString();
          int checksum = buff.removeDWord();
          String exe = buff.removeNTString();
          Buffer result = new Buffer();
            crCache.put(mpq + value + Constants.IX86files[x][0] + Constants.IX86files[x][1], result);
        }catch( fnfex){
        }catch( e){}
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      Out.println("LDCrev", "Cache Loaded");

    public static int checkRevision(String versionString, String[] files, int mpqNum){
      Buffer cacheHit = crCache.get(mpqNum + versionString + files[0]);
        if(cacheHit != null){
            Out.println("CREVLD", "CheckRevision cache hit: " + crCacheHits + "/" + crCacheMisses);
            Buffer newRet = new Buffer(cacheHit.getBuffer());
            return newRet.removeDWord();
        Out.println("CREVLD", "CheckRevision cache miss: " + crCacheHits + "/" + crCacheMisses);
      return 0;
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        Out.println("CREVLD", "CheckRevision cache miss: " + crCacheHits + "/" + crCacheMisses);
      return 0;
    public static String getExe(String versionString, String[] files, int mpqNum){
      Buffer cacheHit = (Buffer) crCache.get(mpqNum + versionString + files[0]);
        if(cacheHit != null){
            Buffer newRet = new Buffer(cacheHit.getBuffer());
            return newRet.removeNTString();
      return null;
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     * @param serverToken The server token for this session.
     * @return The 5-DWord (20 byte) hash.
    static public int[] doubleHash(String str, int clientToken, int serverToken)
            Buffer initialHash = new Buffer();
            int[] hash1 = BrokenSHA1.calcHashBuffer(initialHash.getBuffer());

            Buffer secondHash = new Buffer();
            for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            return BrokenSHA1.calcHashBuffer(secondHash.getBuffer());
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                     * (9 DWORDs) CD-key data.

                    int clientKey = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt());// Randomly generate client key
                    int sessionKey = in.removeDWord();// Get Server Key from packet
                    Buffer keyHashBuf = new Buffer();
                    String key = in.removeNTString();
                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_CDKEY = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_CDKEY);

                        keyHashBuf = HashMain.hashKey(clientKey, sessionKey, key);
                    }catch (HashException e){
                        Out.error("JBLS Parse", "0x01 Key Hash Failed,");
                        pBNLS_CDKEY.addDWord(0);// failed hash
                        return pBNLS_CDKEY;

                    pBNLS_CDKEY.addDWord(1);// successful hash

                    return pBNLS_CDKEY;// return packet

                case BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE:
                     * BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE (0x02)
                     * --------------------------
                     * This message will give you data you need for
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON (0x53).
                     * You must send this before you can send BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03).
                     * (String) Account name.
                     * (String) Account password.
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (8 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON (0x53).

                    String accName = in.removeNTString();// Get Username/Pass from packet
                    String accPass = in.removeNTString();

                    if (accName == null || accPass == null)// Check for valid strings
                        return null;

                    mySRP = new SRP(accName, accPass);// Create New SRP to handle this

                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE);


                    if (Constants.displayParseInfo)
              "JBLS Parse", ">>> \"" + accName + "\" WAR3 Account Login ");

                    return pBNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE;

                case BNLS_LOGONPROOF:

                     * BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03)
                     * ----------------------
                     * This message will parse data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON (0x53)
                     * and will reply with data to send in SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF (0x54).
                     * You must send BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE (0x02) before you can send this.
                     * This message cannot be used simultaneously with
                     * BNLS_CHANGEPROOF (0x06) or BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF (0x08).
                     * (16 DWORDs) Data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGON (0x53).
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (5 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTLOGONPROOF (0x54).

                    if (mySRP == null)
                        throw new BNLSException("Must send BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE Before BNLS_LOGONPROOF");// We need the SRP class already made with username/pass

                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_LOGONPROOF = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_LOGONPROOF);

                    salt = in.removeBytes(SRP.BIGINT_SIZE);// Data sent by bnet required for AccountLogonProof
                    B = in.removeBytes(SRP.BIGINT_SIZE);// <3 iago's SRP class (NOTE: if anybody capitalizes "Iago" again I'll eat their balls)

                    pBNLS_LOGONPROOF.add(mySRP.getM1(salt, B));// add Buffer to packet, return packet

                    return pBNLS_LOGONPROOF;

                case BNLS_CREATEACCOUNT:
                     * BNLS_CREATEACCOUNT (0x04)
                     * -------------------------
                     * This message will give you data you need for
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCREATE (0x52).
                     * (String) Account name.
                     * (String) Account password.
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (16 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCREATE (0x52).

                    String aName = in.removeNTString();
                    String aPass = in.removeNTString();

                    mySRP = new SRP(aName, aPass);// Create new SRP class for the account create
                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_CREATEACCOUNT = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_CREATEACCOUNT);

                    // We need a random variable for salt, and guess what A is?
                    salt = mySRP.get_A();


                    return pBNLS_CREATEACCOUNT;

                case BNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE:
                     * BNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE (0x05)
                     * ---------------------------
                     * This message will give you data you need for
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE (0x55).
                     * This message is used to change the password
                     * of an existing account. You must send
                     * this before you can send BNLS_CHANGEPROOF (0x06).
                     * (String) Account name.
                     * (String) Account old password.
                     * (String) Account new password.
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (8 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE (0x55).

                    // get Name/Passes from packet
                    accName = in.removeNTString();
                    oldPass = in.removeNTString();
                    accPass = in.removeNTString();

                    mySRP = new SRP(accName, oldPass);
                    myNewSRP = new SRP(accName, accPass);

                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE);

                    return pBNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE;

                case BNLS_CHANGEPROOF:
                     * BNLS_CHANGEPROOF (0x06)
                     * -----------------------
                     * This message will parse data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE
                     * (0x55) and will reply with data to send in
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGEPROOF (0x56).
                     * You must send BNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE (0x05) before you can send this.
                     * This message cannot be used simultaneously with
                     * BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03) or BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF (0x08).
                     * (16 DWORDs) Data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGE (0x55).
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (21 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTCHANGEPROOF (0x56).

                    OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_CHANGEPROOF = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_CHANGEPROOF);

                    salt = in.removeBytes(SRP.BIGINT_SIZE);
                    B = in.removeBytes(SRP.BIGINT_SIZE);

                    pBNLS_CHANGEPROOF.add(mySRP.getM1(salt, B));

                    return pBNLS_CHANGEPROOF;

                case BNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE:
                    /*BNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE (0x07)
                     * ----------------------------
                     * This message will give you data you need for
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADE (0x57). This message is used to
                     * upgrade an existing account from Old Logon System to New
                     * Logon System.
                     * You must send this before you can send BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF (0x08).
                     * Important:
                     *    You must send BNLS_LOGONCHALLENGE (0x02) or BNLS_CHANGECHALLENGE (0x05)
                     *    before sending this. Otherwise, the results are meaningless.
                     * Note: Since Old Logon System and New Logon
                     * System are incompatible, you can change the password and
                     * upgrade the account at the same time. This is not
                     * required - the old password and the new password may be
                     * identical for this message.
                     * (String) Account name.
                     * (String) Account old password.
                     * (String) Account new password.
                     *     (May be identical to old password but still must be provided.)
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (BOOL) Success code.
                     *     If this is TRUE, you may send SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADE (0x57).
                     * Currently, no error conditions are defined, so this is always TRUE.
                     accName = in.removeNTString();
                     oldPass = in.removeNTString();
                     accPass = in.removeNTString();
                     mySRP = new SRP(accName, accPass);

                     OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE);
                     return pBNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE;

                case BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF:
                    /* BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF (0x08)
                     * ------------------------
                     * This message will parse data from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADE
                     * (0x57) and will reply with data to send in
                     * SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADEPROOF (0x58).
                     * You must send BNLS_UPGRADECHALLENGE (0x07) before you can
                     * send this.
                     * This message cannot be used simultaneously with
                     * BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03) or BNLS_CHANGEPROOF (0x06).
                     * (DWORD) Session key from SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADE (0x57).
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (22 DWORDs) Data for SID_AUTH_ACCOUNTUPGRADEPROOF (0x58).
                     * The 22 DWORD responsein comprised of the following:
           *  (DWORD) Client Token
           *  (DWORD[5]) Double XSHA-1 password hash (Old password)
           *  (DWORD[8]) Salt
           *  (DWORD[8]) Password verifyer
                     int serverKey = in.removeDWord();
                     if (mySRP == null) //They havent sent 0x07
                       return null;

                     int clientToken = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt());
                     int[] oldHash = DoubleHash.doubleHash(oldPass, serverKey, clientToken);

                     salt = mySRP.get_A();

                     OutPacketBuffer pBNLS_UPGRADEPROOF = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF);
                     for (int Y = 0; Y < 5; Y++)

                     return pBNLS_UPGRADEPROOF;

                case BNLS_VERSIONCHECK:
                     * BNLS_VERSIONCHECK (0x09)
                     * This message will request a fast version check.
                     * Now works with all products.
                     * (DWORD) Product ID.
                     * (DWORD) Version DLL digit in the range 0-7.
                     *          (For example, for IX86Ver1.mpq this is 1)
                     * (String) Checksum formula.
                     * Valid product IDs are:
                     * #define PRODUCT_STARCRAFT (0x01)
                     * #define PRODUCT_BROODWAR (0x02)
                     * #define PRODUCT_WAR2BNE (0x03)
                     * #define PRODUCT_DIABLO2 (0x04)
                     * #define PRODUCT_LORDOFDESTRUCTION (0x05)
                     * #define PRODUCT_JAPANSTARCRAFT (0x06)
                     * #define PRODUCT_WARCRAFT3 (0x07)
                     * #define PRODUCT_THEFROZENTHRONE (0x08)
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (BOOL) Success (TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise).
                     * If this is FALSE, there is no more data in this message.
                     * (DWORD) Version.
                     * (DWORD) Checksum.
                     * (String) Version check stat string.

                    int productID = in.removeDWord();
                    int MPQName = in.removeDWord();
                    String ChecksumFormula = in.removeNTString();
                    boolean success = true;
                    int checksum = 0;
                    int versionHash = 0;
                    String exeInfo = null;
                    if(productID == 1 || productID == 2 || productID == 3){
                      String files[] = HashMain.getFiles(productID, HashMain.PLATFORM_INTEL);
                      checksum = Hashing.CheckRevisionLD.checkRevision(ChecksumFormula, files, MPQName);
                      exeInfo = Hashing.CheckRevisionLD.getExe(ChecksumFormula, files, MPQName);
                      versionHash = HashMain.getExeVer(productID);
                      exeInfo  = HashMain.getExeInfo(productID);
                      checksum    = HashMain.getChecksum(productID, ChecksumFormula, MPQName);
                      versionHash = HashMain.getExeVer(productID);
                    if (checksum == 0 || exeInfo == null) success = false;
                    OutPacketBuffer vCheck = new OutPacketBuffer(BNLS_VERSIONCHECK);
                    if (!success){
                         vCheck.addDWord(0);// not successful
                         return vCheck;
                     vCheck.addDWord(1);// successful
                     vCheck.addDWord(versionHash);// versionhash
                     vCheck.addDWord(checksum);// checksum
                     vCheck.addNTString(exeInfo);// exe Info(stat string)
                     return vCheck;
                case 0x0a:
                     * BNLS_CONFIRMLOGON (0x0a)
                     * ------------------------
                     * This message will confirm that the server really knows your
                     * password. May be used after "proof" messages:
                     * BNLS_LOGONPROOF (0x03), BNLS_CHANGEPROOF (0x06),
                     * BNLS_UPGRADEPROOF (0x08).
                     * (5 DWORDs) Password proof from
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (BOOL) TRUE if the server knows your password, FALSE otherwise.
                     *   If this is FALSE, the connection should be closed by the client.

                    if(salt == null || B == null)
                        throw new BNLSException("Error: BNLS_LOGONPROOF has to be sent before BNLS_CONFIRMLOGON");

                    byte []givenProof = in.removeBytes(SRP.SHA_DIGESTSIZE);
                    byte []proof = mySRP.getM2(salt, B);

                    boolean good = true;
                    for(int i = 0; i < proof.length && good; i++)
                        if(proof[i] != givenProof[i])
                            good = false;

                    OutPacketBuffer vConfirm = new OutPacketBuffer((byte) 0x0A);
                    vConfirm.add(good ? 1 : 0);

                    return vConfirm;

                case 0x0b:
                     * BNLS_HASHDATA (0x0b)
                     * --------------------
                     * This message will calculate the hash of the given data.
                     * The hashing algorithm used is the standard
                     * hashing algorithm also known as "broken SHA-1".
                     * (DWORD) The size of the data to be hashed.
                     *         Note: This is no longer restricted to 64 bytes.
                     * (DWORD) Flags.
                     * (VOID)  Data to be hashed.
                     * (Optional DWORD) Client key.
                     *      Present only if HASHDATA_FLAG_DOUBLEHASH (0x02) is specified.
                     * (Optional DWORD) Server key.
                     *      Present only if HASHDATA_FLAG_DOUBLEHASH (0x02) is specified.
                     * (Optional DWORD) Cookie.
                     *      Present only if HASHDATA_FLAG_COOKIE (0x04) is specified.
                     * The flags may be zero, or any bitwise combination of the defined
                     * flags. Currently, the following flags are defined:
                     *    #define HASHDATA_FLAG_UNUSED (0x01)
                     *    #define HASHDATA_FLAG_DOUBLEHASH (0x02)
                     *    #define HASHDATA_FLAG_COOKIE (0x04)
                     * HASHDATA_FLAG_UNUSED (0x01):
                     *    This flag has no effect.
                     * HASHDATA_FLAG_DOUBLEHASH (0x02):
                     *    If this flag is present, the server will calculate a
                     *    double hash. First it will calculate the hash of the
                     *    data. Then it will prepend the client key and the server
                     *    key to the resulting hash, and calculate the hash of the
                     *    result. If this flag is present, the client key and
                     *    server key DWORDs must be specified in the request after
                     *    the data. This may be used to calculate password hashes
                     *    for the "Old Logon System".
                     * HASHDATA_FLAG_COOKIE (0x04):
                     *    If this flag is present, a cookie DWORD is specified in
                     *    the request. This is an application-defined value that is
                     *    echoed back to the client in the response.
                     * Response:
                     * ---------
                     * (5 DWORDs) The data hash.
                     * (Optional DWORD) Cookie.
                     *   Same as the cookie from the request. Present only
                     *   if HASHDATA_FLAG_COOKIE (0x04) is specified.
                    int hashLength = in.removeDWord();
                    int hashFlags = in.removeDWord();

                    int[] hashData;
                    Buffer hashPass = new Buffer();
                    for(int x = 0; x < hashLength; x++)
                    //String hashPass = in.removeString(hashLength);
                    if ((hashFlags & 0x02) != 0)
                        int hashCToken = in.removeDWord();
                        int hashSToken = in.removeDWord();

                        // Do the password doublehash
                        //Out.println("JBLS Parse", ">>>> Double Hash:" + hashPass);
                        hashData = DoubleHash.doubleHash(new String(hashPass.getBuffer()), hashCToken, hashSToken);
                        //Out.println("JBLS Parse", ">>>> Standard Hash:" + hashPass);
                        hashData = BrokenSHA1.calcHashBuffer(hashPass.getBuffer());
                    OutPacketBuffer p0b = new OutPacketBuffer(0x0b);
                    for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)

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