// if it is not parsable, then it is unknown
float retValueFloat = Float.parseFloat(retValue);
// consistency check C09
// a single state shall never have prob range out from [0,1]
if ( (retValueFloat < 0.0) || (1.0 < retValueFloat)) {
throw new InvalidProbabilityRangeException();
} catch (InvalidProbabilityRangeException e) {
// InvalidProbabilityRangeException may become a subclass of NumberFormatException in a future.
// this is to guarantee that InvalidProbabilityRangeException is thrown even in such case.
throw e;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
hasUnknownValue = true;
// add cell to header
if (currentCell.getPossibleValue() != null // this is an assignment ::= state = probability
// || (isAssigningToNoState && (possibleStates == null || possibleStates.isEmpty()))) { // this is an expression, and node has no possible state
|| isAssigningToNoState ) { // this is an expression (not an assignment)
// if node has no possible value, add current cell, although it has no related entity (state)
// Debug.println("Adding cell: " + currentCell.getPossibleValue().name + " = " + ret.toString());
if (look == ',') {
AProbabilityValue temp = assignment(declaredStates, possibleStates);
String tempValue = temp.getValue();
hasUnknownValue = hasUnknownValue || (tempValue== null);
if (hasUnknownValue) {
// TODO we are returning null, but if a combining rule must be applied for assignments, then it should return an string expression...
retValue = null;
} else {
try {
retValue = String.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(retValue) + Float.parseFloat(temp.getValue()));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
retValue = null;
} else {
// this is the last assignment. If there are undeclared states, force their values to 0%.
// obtain undeclared states = possibleStates - declaredStates
Collection<Entity> undeclaredStates = new HashSet<Entity>(possibleStates);
for (Entity entity : undeclaredStates) {
if (entity != null) {
if (isAssigningToNoState) {
// if node has state and this is an expression (not an assignment), then all states will have the current expression as its value
// do not add again, because previous "this.currentHeader.addCell(currentCell);" (line 1038) is adding a cell with no entity
// so that a cell with no entity represents a non-assignment
// this.currentHeader.addCell(new TempTableProbabilityCell(entity, ret));
} else {
// add assignment: <undeclared state> = 0.0,
this.currentHeader.addCell(new TempTableProbabilityCell(entity, new SimpleProbabilityValue(0.0f)));
// we do not need to update retValue (the total probability),
// because it would be something like retValue += 0.0 (that is, it will not be altered at all);
Float retValueFloat = Float.NaN;
try {
if (retValue != null) {
retValueFloat = Float.parseFloat(retValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// in this case, retValueFloat = Float.NaN;
// Debug.println("Returned expression value = " + retValue);
if (!Float.isNaN(retValueFloat) && (retValueFloat < 0)) {
throw new InvalidProbabilityRangeException();
return new SimpleProbabilityValue(retValueFloat);