//Consider that the tree with the know ordinary variables are already mounted.
//Consider that the only ordinary variables filled are the alread know OV
List<OVInstance> ovInstances = mFragInstance.getOVInstanceList();
ISSBNLogManager logManager = ssbn.getLogManager();
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level4, false, "1) Loop for evaluate context nodes.");
for(ContextNode contextNode: mFragInstance.getContextNodeList()){
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level4, false, "Context Node: " + contextNode);
//---> 1) Verify if the context node is soluted only with the know arguments.
List<OrdinaryVariable> ovInstancesFault = contextNode.getOVFaultForOVInstanceSet(ovInstances);
level5 = new IdentationLevel(level4);
if(ovInstancesFault.size() == 0){
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "All ov's of the context node are setted");
boolean result = kb.evaluateContextNodeFormula(contextNode, ovInstances);
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Node evaluated OK");
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Node evaluated FALSE");
continue; //The MFragInstance continue to be evaluated only
//to show to the user a network more complete.
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Some ov's of the context node aren't filled");
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Try 1: Use the search strategy");
//---> 2) Use the Entity Tree Strategy.
SearchResult searchResult = kb.evaluateSearchContextNodeFormula(contextNode, ovInstances);
if(searchResult!= null){
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Search Result: ");
for(String[] result: searchResult.getValuesResultList()){
String resultOv = " > ";
for(int i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
resultOv += result[i] + " ";
logManager.printText(level5, false, resultOv);
//Result valid results: Add the result to the tree of result.
try {
mFragInstance.setStateEvaluationOfContextNode(contextNode, ContextNodeEvaluationState.EVALUATION_OK);
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Node evaluated OK");
} catch (MFragContextFailException e) {
mFragInstance.setStateEvaluationOfContextNode(contextNode, ContextNodeEvaluationState.EVALUATION_FAIL);
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false,"Context Node FAIL: use the default distribution");
//Here, the context node fail adding the values for a ordinary variable
//fault. This fail impossibilite the evaluation of the rest of the MFragInstance,
//because, this node, used to recover the possible values, fail.
throw e;
// ssbn.getLogManager().printText(level5, false, "Try 2: Use the iteration strategy");
// ssbn.getLogManager().printText(level5, false, "...still not implemented.\n");
//---> 3) Use the Interation with user Strategy.
//TODO To be developed yet...
//Note: if the user add new variables, this should alter the result
//of previous avaliations... maybe all the algorithm should be
//evaluated again. A solution is only permit that the user
//add a entity already at the knowledge base. The entity added
//should be put again the evaluation tree for verify possible
// notInstanciatedOVList = mFragInstance.getListNotInstanciatedOV();
// Debug.println("\nOVInstances don't found = " + notInstanciatedOVList.size());
// for(OrdinaryVariable ov: notInstanciatedOVList){
// Debug.println(ov.getName());
// }
// if (notInstanciatedOVList.size() != 0){
// Debug.println("Try 2: Use the iteration aproach");
// for(OrdinaryVariable ov: notInstanciatedOVList){
// if(interationHelper!=null){
// OVInstance ovInstance = interationHelper.getInstanceValueForOVFault(ov);
// if(ovInstance != null){
// mFragInstance.addInstanciatedOV(ovInstance.getOv(), ovInstance.getEntity());
// }
// }
// }
// }
//---> 4) Use the uncertainty Strategy.
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false,
"Try 2: Use the uncertain reference strategy");
//Utilized only in the specific case z = RandomVariable(x),
//where z is the unknow variable. (Should have only one unknow variable)
SimpleContextNodeFatherSSBNNode simpleContextNodeFather = null;
if(ovInstancesFault.size() == 1){
simpleContextNodeFather =
contextNode, ovInstancesFault.get(0));
if(simpleContextNodeFather != null){
continue; //OK!!! Good!!! Yes!!!
catch(ImplementationRestrictionException e){
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level5, false, "Fail: " + e.getMessage());
//--> 5) Nothing more to try... context fail
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level4, false,"Still ov fault... nothing more to do. " +
"Use default distribution");
//TODO Maybe a warning... Not so drastic!
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level4, false,"2) Loop for evaluate the IsA nodes");
//Return a list of ordinary variables of the MFrag that don't are evaluated yet.
List<OrdinaryVariable> ovDontFoundYetList = new ArrayList<OrdinaryVariable>();
for(OrdinaryVariable ov: mFragInstance.getMFragOrigin().getOrdinaryVariableList()){
if(mFragInstance.getOVInstanceListForOrdinaryVariable(ov).size() == 0){
//Evaluate this ordinary variables
for(OrdinaryVariable ov: ovDontFoundYetList){
//no context node about this ov... the value is unknown, we should
//consider all the possible values. Note the use of the Closed Word
if (logManager != null) {
logManager.printText(level4, false,"Evaluate IsA for OV " + ov.getName());
List<String> possibleValues = kb.getEntityByType(ov.getValueType().getName());
if (logManager != null) {
for(String possibleValue: possibleValues){
logManager.printText(level4, false, " > " + possibleValue);
String possibleValuesArray[] = possibleValues.toArray(new String[possibleValues.size()]);
List<String[]> entityValuesArray = new ArrayList<String[]>();
for(String possibleValue: possibleValuesArray){
entityValuesArray.add(new String[]{possibleValue});
OrdinaryVariable ovArray[] = new OrdinaryVariable[1];
ovArray[0] = ov;
try {
mFragInstance.addOVValuesCombination(ovArray, entityValuesArray);
} catch (MFragContextFailException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
Debug.println(this.getClass(), "", e);
if (logManager != null) {
List<String[]> possibleCombinationsList = mFragInstance.recoverAllCombinationsEntitiesPossibles();
logManager.printBox3(level4, 0, "Result of evalation of the context nodes (Possible combinations): ");
for(String[] possibleCombination : possibleCombinationsList){
String ordinaryVariableComb = " > ";
for(String ordinaryVariableValue: possibleCombination){
ordinaryVariableComb += " " + ordinaryVariableValue;
ordinaryVariableComb += " < ";
logManager.printBox3(level4, 1, ordinaryVariableComb);
//Return mFragInstance with the ordinary variables filled.
return mFragInstance;