Extends the class {@link ContinuousDistribution} for the
normaldistribution (e.g.,). It has mean
μ and variance
σ2. Its density function is
f (x) = e-(x-μ)2/(2σ2)/((2π)1/2σ) for - ∞ < x < ∞,
σ > 0. When
μ = 0 and
σ = 1, we have the
standard normal distribution, with corresponding distribution function
F(x) = Φ(x) = ∫-∞xe-t2/2 dt/(2π)1/2 for - ∞ < x < ∞.
The non-static methods
barF, and
inverseF are implemented via {@link #cdf01 cdf01}, {@link #barF01 barF01}, and {@link #inverseF01 inverseF01}, respectively.