else if ( row instanceof PricingReportRow == false )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The data must be of type '" + PricingReportRow.class.getName() + "'");
PricingReportRow cprr = (PricingReportRow)row;
assertNotNull( cprr );
System.out.println("Found Row "+ m_recordcount + " : " + cprr + "'");
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.SKU.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getSku() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.ITEM_NAME.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getItemName() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.DISPATCH_FROM.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getDispatchFrom() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.DISPATCH_TO.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getDispatchTo() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.ITEM_CONDITION.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getItemCondition() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.PRODUCT_ID.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getProductId() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.PRODUCT_ID_TYPE.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getProductIdType() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.LISTING_ID.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getListingId() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.DELIVERED_PRICE_GBP.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getDeliveredPriceGBP() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.DELIVERED_PRICE_EURO.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getDeliveredPriceEuro() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.QUANTITY.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getQuantity() );
assertNotNull(PricingReport.Header.OPEN_DATE.getColumtitle() + " cannot be null" , cprr.getOpenDate() );