// locality-based module. These modules guarantee that all entailments
// of the original ontology that can be formulated using only terms from
// the seed signature or the module will also be entailments of the
// module. In easier words, the module preserves all knowledge of the
// ontology about the terms in the seed signature or the module.
SyntacticLocalityModuleExtractor sme = new SyntacticLocalityModuleExtractor(
man, ont, ModuleType.STAR);
IRI moduleIRI = IRI.create("file:/tmp/PizzaToppingModule.owl");
OWLOntology mod = sme.extractAsOntology(seedSig, moduleIRI);
// Output for debugging purposes
// System.out.println("Some statistics of the module:");
// System.out.println(" " + mod.getSignature(true).size() +
// " entities");
// System.out.println(" " + mod.getLogicalAxiomCount()