//File myDir = new File("/home/ptc24/cleanOscar/oscar3-chem/from_dj");
//File crbDir = new File("/home/ptc24/cleanOscar/oscar3-chem/from_crb_pruned");
List<File> files = FileTools.getFilesFromDirectoryByName(crbDir, "scrapbook.xml");
ScoreStats grandTotal = new ScoreStats();
String filterType = null;
for(File f : files) {
String subDir = f.getParentFile().getName();
File myFile = new File(new File(myDir, subDir), "scrapbook.xml");
ScoreStats ss = new ScoreStats();
Document myDoc = new Builder().build(myFile);
Document crbDoc = new Builder().build(f);
Nodes ids = myDoc.query("//snippet/@id");
Set<String> idStrs = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for(int i=0;i<ids.size();i++) idStrs.add(ids.get(i).getValue());
int chars = 0;
for(String id : idStrs) {
try {
Element elem1 = (Element)myDoc.query("//snippet[@id='" + id + "']").get(0);
chars += elem1.getValue().length();
Element elem2 = (Element)crbDoc.query("//snippet[@id='" + id + "']").get(0);
Nodes n = elem1.query(".//ne");
for(int i=0;i<n.size();i++) {
Element ne = (Element)n.get(i);
if(filterType != null && !ne.getAttributeValue("type").equals(filterType)) {
n = elem2.query(".//ne");
for(int i=0;i<n.size();i++) {
Element ne = (Element)n.get(i);
if(filterType != null && !ne.getAttributeValue("type").equals(filterType)) {
//FIXME - replace this with something that doesn't violate visibility
//ScoreStats mySs = SnippetCompare.getPrecisionAndRecall(elem2, elem1, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
//System.out.println("\t" + chars);
System.out.println(f.getParentFile().getName() + "\t" + ss.getPrecAndRecallString());
System.out.println("Grand total:\t" + grandTotal.getPrecAndRecallString());