The image can be reconstructed at different (image) resolution levels indexed from the lowest resolution available for each tile-component. This is controlled by the setImgResLevel() method.
Note: Image resolution level indexes may differ from tile-component resolution index. They are indeed indexed starting from the lowest number of decomposition levels of each component of each tile.
Example: For an image (1 tile) with 2 components (component 0 having 2 decomposition levels and component 1 having 3 decomposition levels), the first (tile-) component has 3 resolution levels and the second one has 4 resolution levels, whereas the image has only 3 resolution levels available.
This implementation does not support progressive data: Data is considered to be non-progressive (i.e. "final" data) and the 'progressive' attribute of the 'DataBlk' class is always set to false, see the 'DataBlk' class.
@see DataBlk