The rate-distortion statistics (i.e. R-D slope) is stored for valid points only. The set of valid points is determined by the entropy coder engine itself. Normally they are selected so as to lye in a convex hull, which can be achived by using the 'selectConvexHull' method of this class, but some other strategies might be employed.
The rate (in bytes) for each truncation point (valid or not) is stored in the 'truncRates' array. The rate of a truncation point is the total number of bytes in 'data' (see super class) that have to be decoded to reach the truncation point.
The slope (reduction of distortion divided by the increase in rate) at each of the valid truncation points is stored in 'truncSlopes'.
The index of each valid truncation point is stored in 'truncIdxs'. The index should be interpreted in the following way: a valid truncation point at position 'n' has the index 'truncIdxs[n]', the rate 'truncRates[truncIdxs[n]]' and the slope 'truncSlopes[n]'. The arrays 'truncIdxs' and 'truncRates' have at least 'nVldTrunc' elements. The 'truncRates' array has at least 'nTotTrunc' elements.
In addition the 'isTermPass' array contains a flag for each truncation point (valid and non-valid ones) that tells if the pass is terminated or not. If this variable is null then it means that no pass is terminated, except the last one which always is.
The compressed data is stored in the 'data' member variable of the super class.
@see CodedCBlk