case TagCodes.DoABC: return DoABCParser.parse(header, parser);
case TagCodes.RawABC: return RawABCParser.parse(header, parser);
case TagCodes.DefineFontName: return DefineFontNameParser.parse(header, parser);
errors.add(new ParserError(header.getTagAndLength().getBitPosition(), String.format("Tried to parse tag with unknown tag code 0x%02X", header.getTagCode())));
// We do not know the type of this tag but we can try to continue parsing at the next tag
jumpToNextTag(parser, header);
return null;
} catch (final SWFParserException exception) {
errors.add(new ParserError(exception.getOffset(), exception.getMessage()));
// Parsing this tag failed but we can try to continue parsing at the next tag
jumpToNextTag(parser, header);