Package trafficdefinition

Examples of trafficdefinition.School

    switch (tool) {
    // Create school
    case School:
      if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) {
        currentTrafficLayer.AddTrafficElement(new School(transformedPoint));

    case Hotspot:
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    // If the adult has a job and she has to take children to school
    if (hasJob && (childrenToTakeToSchool != null)) {
      // Get the children's school
      School school = childrenToTakeToSchool.get(0).getSchool();

      // Estimate distance between home->school and home->work
      float distanceHomeSchool = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(school.getClosestEdge());
      float distanceHomeWork = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(jobLocation);

      // Estimate the time needed to travel from school->home->work,
      // school->home and home->work
      int estimatedTravelTimeSchoolHomeWork = Math.round((distanceHomeSchool + distanceHomeWork) / Constants.averageSpeed);
      int estimatedTravelTimeHomeSchool = Math.round(distanceHomeSchool / Constants.averageSpeed);
      int estimatedTravelTimeHomeWork = Math.round(distanceHomeWork / Constants.averageSpeed);

      int timeBetweenSchoolOpeningAndJobStarting = job.getStartingTime() - school.getTimeOpening();

      // Calculate the time to leave the house so that the child will
      // be at school on time
      int timeOfDepartureFromHouseToSchool = Math.max(0, school.getTimeOpening() - estimatedTravelTimeHomeSchool);

      // If the adult cannot go from school back home, stay for 20 minutes
      // and then go to work, then go straight from school to work
      if ((estimatedTravelTimeSchoolHomeWork + 20 * 60) > timeBetweenSchoolOpeningAndJobStarting) {
        // Create route for home->school->work
        List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


        String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);

        // Write the route
        routesList.add(new Route(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToSchool, "<vehicle id=\"home-school-work-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToSchool) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">" + "<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>" + "</vehicle>"));
      // If there is enough time go back home and later go to work
      else {
        // Create route for home->school->home
        List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


        String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);

        // Write the route
        routesList.add(new Route(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToSchool, "<vehicle id=\"home-school-home-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToSchool) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">" + "<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>" + "</vehicle>"));

        // Estimate what time the adult has to leave home to be at work
        // on time
        int timeOfDepartureFromHouseToWork = Math.max(0, job.getStartingTime() - estimatedTravelTimeHomeWork);

        // Write the trip home->work
        tripsList.add(new Trip(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToWork,"<trip id=\"house-work-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouseToWork) + "\" from=\"" + home.getAddress().getId() + "\" to=\"" + jobLocation.getId() + "\" color=\"" + color + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" />\n"));
    // If the adult has a job but doesn't have to take children to school
    else if (hasJob && (childrenToTakeToSchool == null)) {
      // Just go to work

      // Try to estimate the distance between home and work
      float distanceToTravel = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(jobLocation);

      // Estimate the time needed to cover this distance
      int estimatedTravelTime = Math.round(distanceToTravel / Constants.averageSpeed);

      // Calculate the time to leave the house so that the adult will be
      // at work on time
      int timeOfDepartureFromHouse = Math.max(0, job.getStartingTime() - estimatedTravelTime);

      // Create route from house to work
      tripsList.add(new Trip(timeOfDepartureFromHouse,"<trip id=\"house-work-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouse) + "\" from=\"" + home.getAddress().getId() + "\" to=\"" + jobLocation.getId() + "\" color=\"" + color + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" />\n"));
    // If the adult is unemployeed and has to take children to school
    else if (!hasJob && (childrenToTakeToSchool != null)) {
      // Get the children's school
      School school = childrenToTakeToSchool.get(0).getSchool();

      // Try to estimate the distance that the vehicle will need to
      // travel
      float distanceHomeSchool = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(school.getClosestEdge());

      // Estimate the time needed to go from school to home
      int estimatedTravelTimeHomeSchool = Math.round(distanceHomeSchool / Constants.averageSpeed);

      // Calculate the time to leave the house
      int timeOfDepartureFromHouse = Math.max(0, school.getTimeOpening() - estimatedTravelTimeHomeSchool);

      // Go from home to school and back
      List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


      String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);

      // Write the route
      routesList.add(new Route(timeOfDepartureFromHouse,"<vehicle id=\"home-school-home-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouse) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">"+"<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>"+"</vehicle>"));

    // If the adult has a job and she doesn't have to pick up kids from
    // school
    if (hasJob && (childrenToPickupFromSchool == null)) {
      // Create route from work to home
      tripsList.add(new Trip(job.getEndingTime(),"<trip id=\"work-house-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(job.getEndingTime()) + "\" from=\"" + jobLocation.getId() + "\" to=\"" + home.getAddress().getId() + "\" color=\"" + color + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" />\n"));
    // If the adult has a job and she has to pickup kids from school
    else if (hasJob && (childrenToPickupFromSchool != null)) {
      // Get the children's school
      School school = childrenToPickupFromSchool.get(0).getSchool();

      // Estimate distance between home-school and school-work
      float distanceHomeSchool = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(school.getClosestEdge());
      float distanceHomeWork = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(jobLocation);

      // Estimate the time needed to go from work to school and then from
      // school to home
      int estimatedTravelTimeWorkSchoolHome = Math.round((distanceHomeSchool + distanceHomeWork) / Constants.averageSpeed);

      int timeBetweenJobEndingAndSchoolClosing = school.getTimeClosing() - job.getEndingTime();

      // If the adult doesn't have enough time after work to go home for
      // 20 minutes
      if ((estimatedTravelTimeWorkSchoolHome + 20 * 60) > timeBetweenJobEndingAndSchoolClosing) {
        // Go straight from work to school and then home
        List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


        // Build the route
        String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);

        routesList.add(new Route(job.getEndingTime(),"<vehicle id=\"work-school-home-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(job.getEndingTime()) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">"+"<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>"+"</vehicle>"));
      // If the adult has enough time to go home after work
      else {
        // Go from work to home and from home to school and from school
        // to home
        // Create route from work to home
        tripsList.add(new Trip(job.getEndingTime(),"<trip id=\"work-house-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(job.getEndingTime()) + "\" from=\"" + jobLocation.getId() + "\" to=\"" + home.getAddress().getId() + "\" color=\"" + color + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" />\n"));

        // Estimate the time needed to cover the distance from home to
        // school
        int estimatedTravelTime = (int) Math.round(distanceHomeSchool / Constants.averageSpeed);

        // Calculate the time to leave the house so that the adult will
        // be at school on time
        int timeOfDepartureFromHouse = Math.max(0, school.getTimeClosing() - estimatedTravelTime);

        // Build the route
        List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


        String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);

        routesList.add(new Route(timeOfDepartureFromHouse,"<vehicle id=\"home-school-home-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouse) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">"+"<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>"+"</vehicle>"));

    // If the adult has no job and has children to pick up
    else if (!hasJob && (childrenToPickupFromSchool != null)) {
      School school = childrenToPickupFromSchool.get(0).getSchool();

      // Try to estimate the distance between home and school
      float distanceToTravel = home.getAddress().DistanceFrom(school.getClosestEdge());

      // Estimate the time needed to cover this distance
      int estimatedTravelTime = (int) Math.round(distanceToTravel / Constants.averageSpeed);

      // Calculate the time to leave the house so that the adult will be
      // at school on time
      int timeOfDepartureFromHouse = Math.max(0, school.getTimeClosing() - estimatedTravelTime);

      // Create route from house to school and back
      List<Edge> tripEdges = new ArrayList<Edge>();


      String route = MultipleTripExpander.ExpandTrips(tripEdges);
      routesList.add(new Route(timeOfDepartureFromHouse, "<vehicle id=\"home-school-home-" + String.valueOf(home.getId()) + "-" + String.valueOf(counter) + "\" type=\"" + vehicle.getName() + "\" depart=\"" + String.valueOf(timeOfDepartureFromHouse) + "\" color=\"" + color + "\">"+"<route color=\"" + color + "\">" + route + "</route>"+"</vehicle>"));
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        house.assignVehiclesToDrivers(area.getPossibilityDriverHasCar(), vehicleTypes);

        // Find closest school for every child in the house based on the
        // child's age and the school location and capacity
        for (Child child : house.getChildren()) {
          School closestAvailableSchool = FindClosestSchoolToLocation(schools, child.getSchoolType(), house.getLocation());

          if (closestAvailableSchool != null) {
            closestAvailableSchool.setAvailableCapacity(closestAvailableSchool.getAvailableCapacity() - 1);

        // Add the house to the area's houses
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   * @param location
   *            the location to search near for
   * @return the closest school near the specified location
  private static School FindClosestSchoolToLocation(List<School> schools, SchoolType type, Point2D.Double location) {
    School closestSchool = null;
    double minimumSchoolDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;

    // Loop through all schools
    for (School school : schools) {
      if ((school.getSchoolType() == type) && (school.getAvailableCapacity() > 0)) {
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Related Classes of trafficdefinition.School

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