* @param access open Invdataset from this access.
* @throws IOException
public AddeStationObsDataset(InvAccess access, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask cancelTask) throws IOException {
InvDataset invDs = access.getDataset();
this.location = (invDs.getID() != null) ? "thredds:"+access.getDataset().getCatalogUrl() :
addeURL = access.getStandardUrlName();
// see if we have a stationDB file
InvDataset invds = access.getDataset();
String pv = invds.findProperty( "_StationDBlocation");
if (pv != null) {
stationDBlocation = InvDatasetImpl.resolve( invds, pv);
// Get the bounding box if possible
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage geoCoverage = invds.getGeospatialCoverage();
if (null != geoCoverage)
boundingBox = geoCoverage.getBoundingBox();
else // otherwise, stationHelper constructs from the station locations
boundingBox = stationHelper.getBoundingBox();
// get the date range if possible
DateRange timeCoverage = invds.getTimeCoverage();
if (timeCoverage != null) {
startDate = timeCoverage.getStart().getDate();
endDate = timeCoverage.getEnd().getDate();
} else {
startDate = new Date(0); // fake