throw new JspException( "AntProperty used as top-level tag,"+
"must be inside <ant>");
if( ! (parent instanceof AntTag))
throw new JspException( "AntProperty must be child of <ant>");
AntTag antTag=(AntTag)parent;
if( value==null && location!= null ) {
// the property will be set with the absolute path
// of the "location", relative to this or another
// (accessible) web application
HttpServletRequest req=(HttpServletRequest)pageContext.
ServletContext thisCtx=pageContext.getServletConfig().
ServletContext targetCtx=(webapp==null) ? thisCtx:
thisCtx.getContext( webapp );
ServletContext rootCtx= thisCtx.getContext("/");
if( webapp!=null && !"/".equals( webapp) &&
! "".equals(webapp ) && rootCtx == targetCtx )
throw new JspException( "Can't find context " + webapp );
if( value == null ) {
// if param is used, try it first ( param!= name )
if( param != null ) {
value=pageContext.getRequest().getParameter( param );
} else {
value=pageContext.getRequest().getParameter( name );
if( value != null )
antTag.setProperty( name, value );
// reset value to default null
value = null;
return SKIP_BODY;