// Private method to infer the caller's class and method names
private void inferCaller() {
needToInferCaller = false;
JavaLangAccess access = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess();
Throwable throwable = new Throwable();
int depth = access.getStackTraceDepth(throwable);
boolean lookingForLogger = true;
for (int ix = 0; ix < depth; ix++) {
// Calling getStackTraceElement directly prevents the VM
// from paying the cost of building the entire stack frame.
StackTraceElement frame =
access.getStackTraceElement(throwable, ix);
String cname = frame.getClassName();
boolean isLoggerImpl = isLoggerImplFrame(cname);
if (lookingForLogger) {
// Skip all frames until we have found the first logger frame.
if (isLoggerImpl) {