Package sun.font

Examples of sun.font.AttributeValues

        int characterCount = chars.length;

        boolean requiresBidi = false;
        byte[] embs = null;

        AttributeValues values = null;
        if (attributes != null) {
            values = AttributeValues.fromMap(attributes);
            if (values.getRunDirection() >= 0) {
                isDirectionLTR = values.getRunDirection() == 0;
                requiresBidi = !isDirectionLTR;
            if (values.getBidiEmbedding() != 0) {
                requiresBidi = true;
                byte level = (byte)values.getBidiEmbedding();
                embs = new byte[characterCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < embs.length; ++i) {
                    embs[i] = level;

        // dlf: get baseRot from font for now???

        if (!requiresBidi) {
            requiresBidi = Bidi.requiresBidi(chars, 0, chars.length);

        if (requiresBidi) {
          int bidiflags = values == null
              : values.getRunDirection();

          bidi = new Bidi(chars, 0, embs, 0, chars.length, bidiflags);
          if (!bidi.isLeftToRight()) {
              levels = BidiUtils.getLevels(bidi);
              int[] charsVtoL = BidiUtils.createVisualToLogicalMap(levels);
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     * is cached in the font, care must be taken to ensure that
     * it is not mutated.
    private AttributeValues getAttributeValues() {
        if (values == null) {
            AttributeValues valuesTmp = new AttributeValues();
            valuesTmp.setSize(pointSize); // expects the float value.

            if ((style & BOLD) != 0) {
                valuesTmp.setWeight(2); // WEIGHT_BOLD

            if ((style & ITALIC) != 0) {
                valuesTmp.setPosture(.2f); // POSTURE_OBLIQUE
            valuesTmp.defineAll(PRIMARY_MASK); // for streaming compatibility
            values = valuesTmp;

        return values;
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        // 2) attributes, but no FONT

        // avoid turning the attributemap into a regular map for no reason
        if (attributes instanceof AttributeMap &&
            ((AttributeMap)attributes).getValues() != null) {
            AttributeValues values = ((AttributeMap)attributes).getValues();
            if (values.isNonDefault(EFONT)) {
                Font font = values.getFont();
                if (!values.anyDefined(SECONDARY_MASK)) {
                    return font;
                // merge
                values = font.getAttributeValues().clone();
                values.merge(attributes, SECONDARY_MASK);
                return new Font(values,,,
                                font.createdFont, font.font2DHandle);
            return new Font(attributes);

        Font font = (Font)attributes.get(TextAttribute.FONT);
        if (font != null) {
            if (attributes.size() > 1) { // oh well, check for anything else
                AttributeValues values = font.getAttributeValues().clone();
                values.merge(attributes, SECONDARY_MASK);
                return new Font(values,,,
                                font.createdFont, font.font2DHandle);

            return font;
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         * transform returned will also reflect the effects of WIDTH and
         * SUPERSCRIPT attributes.  Clients who want the actual transform
         * need to call getRequestedAttributes.
        if (nonIdentityTx) {
            AttributeValues values = getAttributeValues();

            AffineTransform at = values.isNonDefault(ETRANSFORM)
                ? new AffineTransform(values.getTransform())
                : new AffineTransform();

            if (values.getSuperscript() != 0) {
                // can't get ascent and descent here, recursive call to this fn,
                // so use pointsize
                // let users combine super- and sub-scripting

                int superscript = values.getSuperscript();

                double trans = 0;
                int n = 0;
                boolean up = superscript > 0;
                int sign = up ? -1 : 1;
                int ss = up ? superscript : -superscript;

                while ((ss & 7) > n) {
                    int newn = ss & 7;
                    trans += sign * (ssinfo[newn] - ssinfo[n]);
                    ss >>= 3;
                    sign = -sign;
                    n = newn;
                trans *= pointSize;
                double scale = Math.pow(2./3., n);

                at.preConcatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, trans));
                at.scale(scale, scale);

                // note on placement and italics
                // We preconcatenate the transform because we don't want to translate along
                // the italic angle, but purely perpendicular to the baseline.  While this
                // looks ok for superscripts, it can lead subscripts to stack on each other
                // and bring the following text too close.  The way we deal with potential
                // collisions that can occur in the case of italics is by adjusting the
                // horizontal spacing of the adjacent glyphvectors.  Examine the italic
                // angle of both vectors, if one is non-zero, compute the minimum ascent
                // and descent, and then the x position at each for each vector along its
                // italic angle starting from its (offset) baseline.  Compute the difference
                // between the x positions and use the maximum difference to adjust the
                // position of the right gv.

            if (values.isNonDefault(EWIDTH)) {
                at.scale(values.getWidth(), 1f);

            return at;

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        // it check each of these values and 'undefines' it if the
        // value is the default.

        if (fRequestedAttributes != null) {
            values = getAttributeValues(); // init
            AttributeValues extras =
            if (!AttributeValues.is16Hashtable(fRequestedAttributes)) {
                extras.unsetDefault(); // if legacy stream, undefine these
            values = getAttributeValues().merge(extras);
            this.nonIdentityTx = values.anyNonDefault(EXTRA_MASK);
            this.hasLayoutAttributes =  values.anyNonDefault(LAYOUT_MASK);
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    public Font deriveFont(int style, float size){
        if (values == null) {
            return new Font(name, style, size, createdFont, font2DHandle);
        AttributeValues newValues = getAttributeValues().clone();
        int oldStyle = ( != style) ? : -1;
        applyStyle(style, newValues);
        return new Font(newValues, null, oldStyle, createdFont, font2DHandle);
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     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>trans</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @since 1.2
    public Font deriveFont(int style, AffineTransform trans){
        AttributeValues newValues = getAttributeValues().clone();
        int oldStyle = ( != style) ? : -1;
        applyStyle(style, newValues);
        applyTransform(trans, newValues);
        return new Font(newValues, null, oldStyle, createdFont, font2DHandle);
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    public Font deriveFont(float size){
        if (values == null) {
            return new Font(name, style, size, createdFont, font2DHandle);
        AttributeValues newValues = getAttributeValues().clone();
        return new Font(newValues, null, -1, createdFont, font2DHandle);
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     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>trans</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @since 1.2
    public Font deriveFont(AffineTransform trans){
        AttributeValues newValues = getAttributeValues().clone();
        applyTransform(trans, newValues);
        return new Font(newValues, null, -1, createdFont, font2DHandle);
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    public Font deriveFont(int style){
        if (values == null) {
           return new Font(name, style, size, createdFont, font2DHandle);
        AttributeValues newValues = getAttributeValues().clone();
        int oldStyle = ( != style) ? : -1;
        applyStyle(style, newValues);
        return new Font(newValues, null, oldStyle, createdFont, font2DHandle);
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Related Classes of sun.font.AttributeValues

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