Package storm.trident.spout

Examples of storm.trident.spout.IBatchID

            _bolt.execute(null, tuple);
        IBatchID id = (IBatchID) tuple.getValue(0);
        //get transaction id
        //if it already exissts and attempt id is greater than the attempt there
        TrackedBatch tracked = (TrackedBatch) _batches.get(id.getId());
//        if(_batches.size() > 10 && _context.getThisTaskIndex() == 0) {
//            System.out.println("Received in " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex()
//                    + " (" + _batches.size() + ")" +
//                    "\ntuple: " + tuple +
//                    "\nwith tracked " + tracked +
//                    "\nwith id " + id +
//                    "\nwith group " + batchGroup
//                    + "\n");
//        }
        //System.out.println("Num tracked: " + _batches.size() + " " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex());
        // this code here ensures that only one attempt is ever tracked for a batch, so when
        // failures happen you don't get an explosion in memory usage in the tasks
        if(tracked!=null) {
            if(id.getAttemptId() > tracked.attemptId) {
                tracked = null;
            } else if(id.getAttemptId() < tracked.attemptId) {
                // no reason to try to execute a previous attempt than we've already seen
        if(tracked==null) {
            tracked = new TrackedBatch(new BatchInfo(batchGroup, id, _bolt.initBatchState(batchGroup, id)), _coordConditions.get(batchGroup), id.getAttemptId());
            _batches.put(id.getId(), tracked);
        //System.out.println("TRACKED: " + tracked + " " + tuple);
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            _bolt.execute(null, tuple);
        IBatchID id = (IBatchID) tuple.getValue(0);
        //get transaction id
        //if it already exissts and attempt id is greater than the attempt there
        TrackedBatch tracked = (TrackedBatch) _batches.get(id.getId());
//        if(_batches.size() > 10 && _context.getThisTaskIndex() == 0) {
//            System.out.println("Received in " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex()
//                    + " (" + _batches.size() + ")" +
//                    "\ntuple: " + tuple +
//                    "\nwith tracked " + tracked +
//                    "\nwith id " + id +
//                    "\nwith group " + batchGroup
//                    + "\n");
//        }
        //System.out.println("Num tracked: " + _batches.size() + " " + _context.getThisComponentId() + " " + _context.getThisTaskIndex());
        // this code here ensures that only one attempt is ever tracked for a batch, so when
        // failures happen you don't get an explosion in memory usage in the tasks
        if(tracked!=null) {
            if(id.getAttemptId() > tracked.attemptId) {
                tracked = null;
            } else if(id.getAttemptId() < tracked.attemptId) {
                // no reason to try to execute a previous attempt than we've already seen
        if(tracked==null) {
            tracked = new TrackedBatch(new BatchInfo(batchGroup, id, _bolt.initBatchState(batchGroup, id)), _coordConditions.get(batchGroup), id.getAttemptId());
            _batches.put(id.getId(), tracked);
        //System.out.println("TRACKED: " + tracked + " " + tuple);
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Related Classes of storm.trident.spout.IBatchID

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