Package statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore

Examples of statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator$StateName

      final Collection<List<Label>> testSet = PaperUAS.computeEvaluationSet(referenceGraph,states*3,states*alphabet);
      for(int attempt=0;attempt<2;++attempt)
      {// try learning the same machine a few times
        LearnerGraph pta = new LearnerGraph(config);
        RandomPathGenerator generator = new RandomPathGenerator(referenceGraph,new Random(attempt),5,null);
        // test sequences will be distributed around
        final int pathLength = generator.getPathLength();
        // The total number of elements in test sequences (alphabet*states*traceQuantity) will be distributed around (random(pathLength)+1). The total size of PTA is a product of these two.
        // For the purpose of generating long traces, we construct as many traces as there are states but these traces have to be rather long,
        // that is, length of traces will be (random(pathLength)+1)*sequencesPerChunk/states and the number of traces generated will be the same as the number of states.
        final int tracesToGenerate = makeEven(traceQuantity);
        final Random rnd = new Random(seed*31+attempt);
        generator.generateRandomPosNeg(tracesToGenerate, 1, false, new RandomLengthGenerator() {
            public int getLength() {
              return 2*states*alphabet;//(rnd.nextInt(pathLength)+1)*lengthMultiplier;
            public int getPrefixLength(int len) {
              return len;

        if (onlyUsePositives)
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0).filter(new FilterPredicate() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
              return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0));// the PTA will have very few reject-states because we are generating few sequences and hence there will be few negative sequences.
          // In order to approximate the behaviour of our case study, we need to compute which pairs are not allowed from a reference graph and use those as if-then automata to start the inference.
        List<List<Label>> sPlus = generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
        List<List<Label>> sMinus= generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return !((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
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      final Collection<List<Label>> testSet = PaperUAS.computeEvaluationSet(referenceGraph,states*3,makeEven(states*tracesAlphabet));

      for(int attempt=0;attempt<2;++attempt)
      {// try learning the same machine a few times
        LearnerGraph pta = new LearnerGraph(config);
        RandomPathGenerator generator = new RandomPathGenerator(referenceGraph,new Random(attempt),5,null);
        final int tracesToGenerate = makeEven(traceQuantity);
        generator.generateRandomPosNeg(tracesToGenerate, 1, false, new RandomLengthGenerator() {
            public int getLength() {
              return (int)(traceLengthMultiplier*states*tracesAlphabet);
            public int getPrefixLength(int len) {
              return len;

        if (onlyUsePositives)
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0).filter(new FilterPredicate() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
              return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
        List<List<Label>> sPlus = generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
        List<List<Label>> sMinus= generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return !((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
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      final Collection<List<Label>> testSet = PaperUAS.computeEvaluationSet(referenceGraph,states*3,makeEven(states*alphabet));

      for(int attempt=0;attempt<2;++attempt)
      {// try learning the same machine a few times
        LearnerGraph pta = new LearnerGraph(config);
        RandomPathGenerator generator = new RandomPathGenerator(referenceGraph,new Random(attempt),5,null);
        final int tracesToGenerate = makeEven(traceQuantity);
        generator.generateRandomPosNeg(tracesToGenerate, 1, false, new RandomLengthGenerator() {
            public int getLength() {
              return (int)(traceLengthMultiplier*states*alphabet);
            public int getPrefixLength(int len) {
              return len;

        if (onlyUsePositives)
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0).filter(new FilterPredicate() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
              return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
        List<List<Label>> sPlus = generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
        List<List<Label>> sMinus= generator.getAllSequences(0).getData(new FilterPredicate() {
          public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
            return !((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
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      final Collection<List<Label>> testSet = null;//PaperUAS.computeEvaluationSet(referenceGraph,states*3,states*alphabet);
      for(int attempt=0;attempt<2;++attempt)
      {// try learning the same machine a few times
        LearnerGraph pta = new LearnerGraph(config);
        RandomPathGenerator generator = new RandomPathGenerator(referenceGraph,new Random(attempt),5,null);
        // test sequences will be distributed around
        final int pathLength = generator.getPathLength();
        // The total number of elements in test sequences (alphabet*states*traceQuantity) will be distributed around (random(pathLength)+1). The total size of PTA is a product of these two.
        // For the purpose of generating long traces, we construct as many traces as there are states but these traces have to be rather long,
        // that is, length of traces will be (random(pathLength)+1)*sequencesPerChunk/states and the number of traces generated will be the same as the number of states.
        final int tracesToGenerate = makeEven(states*traceQuantity);
        final Random rnd = new Random(seed*31+attempt);
        generator.generateRandomPosNeg(tracesToGenerate, 1, false, new RandomLengthGenerator() {
            public int getLength() {
              return (rnd.nextInt(pathLength)+1)*lengthMultiplier;
            public int getPrefixLength(int len) {
              return len;
        for(List<Label> seq:referenceGraph.wmethod.computeNewTestSet(1))
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(seq, referenceGraph.getVertex(seq) != null, false, null);
        //pta.paths.augmentPTA(referenceGraph.wmethod.computeNewTestSet(referenceGraph.getInit(),1));// this one will not set any states as rejects because it uses shouldbereturned
        if (onlyUsePositives)
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0).filter(new FilterPredicate() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
              return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0));// the PTA will have very few reject-states because we are generating few sequences and hence there will be few negative sequences.
          // In order to approximate the behaviour of our case study, we need to compute which pairs are not allowed from a reference graph and use those as if-then automata to start the inference.
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      outcome.setValue(DOUBLE_V.ACCURACY_W, wSeq.firstElem);
      Collection<List<Label>> sequences =new LinkedHashSet<List<Label>>();
      RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(from, new Random(0),4, from.getInit());// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
      long startTime = System.nanoTime();
      rpg.generatePosNeg((graphComplexity+1)*states , 1);
      Pair<Double,Long> randSeq = compareLang(from, to, sequences);
      outcome.setValue(LONG_V.DURATION_RAND, outcome.getValue(LONG_V.DURATION_RAND)+randSeq.secondElem);
      outcome.setValue(DOUBLE_V.ACCURACY_RAND, randSeq.firstElem);
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      final Collection<List<Label>> testSet = null;//PaperUAS.computeEvaluationSet(referenceGraph,states*3,states*alphabet);
      for(int attempt=0;attempt<2;++attempt)
      {// try learning the same machine a few times
        LearnerGraph pta = new LearnerGraph(config);
        RandomPathGenerator generator = new RandomPathGenerator(referenceGraph,new Random(attempt),5,null);
        // test sequences will be distributed around
        final int pathLength = generator.getPathLength();
        // The total number of elements in test sequences (alphabet*states*traceQuantity) will be distributed around (random(pathLength)+1). The total size of PTA is a product of these two.
        // For the purpose of generating long traces, we construct as many traces as there are states but these traces have to be rather long,
        // that is, length of traces will be (random(pathLength)+1)*sequencesPerChunk/states and the number of traces generated will be the same as the number of states.
        final int tracesToGenerate = makeEven(states*traceQuantity);
        final Random rnd = new Random(seed*31+attempt);
        generator.generateRandomPosNeg(tracesToGenerate, 1, false, new RandomLengthGenerator() {
            public int getLength() {
              return (rnd.nextInt(pathLength)+1)*lengthMultiplier;
            public int getPrefixLength(int len) {
              return len;
        for(List<Label> seq:referenceGraph.wmethod.computeNewTestSet(1))
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(seq, referenceGraph.getVertex(seq) != null, false, null);
        //pta.paths.augmentPTA(referenceGraph.wmethod.computeNewTestSet(referenceGraph.getInit(),1));// this one will not set any states as rejects because it uses shouldbereturned
        if (onlyUsePositives)
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0).filter(new FilterPredicate() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(Object name) {
              return ((statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator.StateName)name).accept;
          pta.paths.augmentPTA(generator.getAllSequences(0));// the PTA will have very few reject-states because we are generating few sequences and hence there will be few negative sequences.
          // In order to approximate the behaviour of our case study, we need to compute which pairs are not allowed from a reference graph and use those as if-then automata to start the inference.
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    /** This method is executed on an executor thread. */
    public void runTheExperiment()
      int size = 4*graph.getStateNumber();
      RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(graph, new Random(100),5);// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
      int percentPerChunk = 10;
      int nrPerChunk = size/(100/percentPerChunk);nrPerChunk+=nrPerChunk % 2;// make the number even
      rpg.generatePosNeg(2*nrPerChunk , 100/percentPerChunk);// 2* reflects the fact that nrPerChunk denotes the number of elements in both chunks (positive and negative) combined.
      RPNIBlueFringeLearner l = new RPNIBlueFringeLearnerTestComponentOpt(null,config)
        protected Pair<Integer,String> checkWithEndUser(
            @SuppressWarnings("unused")  LearnerGraph model,
            List<String> question,
            @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object [] moreOptions)
          return new Pair<Integer,String>(graph.paths.tracePath(question),null);
      sPlus = rpg.getExtraSequences(percent/10-1);sMinus = rpg.getAllSequences(percent/10-1);
      LearnerGraph learned = learn(l,sMinus);
      LearnerGraph learned = null;
      Collection<List<String>> minusTrainingSet = null, testSet = null;
      try {
        synchronized (LearnerGraph.syncObj)
        {// ensure that the calls to Jung's vertex-creation routines do not occur on different threads.
            GraphMLFile graphmlFile = new GraphMLFile();
            graphmlFile.setGraphMLFileHandler(new ExperimentGraphMLHandler());
            final String mostOfFileName = "_"+(new File(inputFileName).getName());
            assert new File(origDir).isDirectory();
            for(String name:new File(origDir).list(new FilenameFilter(){
            public boolean accept(@SuppressWarnings("unused") File dir, String fileName) {
              return fileName.contains(mostOfFileName);
              int firstUnderscore = name.indexOf('_');assert firstUnderscore > 0;
              int currentNumber = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(0, firstUnderscore));
              if (number < 0) number = currentNumber;else assert number == currentNumber;
            assert number >=0;
            learned = new LearnerGraph(graphmlFile.load(
                FileType.LEARNT.getFileName(dataDir+File.separator+number+"_"+(new File(inputFileName).getName()),"")
        //computeStateScores.writeGraphML(learned, getFileName(FileType.LEARNT));
        XMLDecoder inData = new XMLDecoder(new FileInputStream(FileType.MINUS_AND_TEST.getFileName(origDir+File.separator+number+"_"+(new File(inputFileName).getName()),"")));
        minusTrainingSet = (Collection<List<String>>)inData.readObject();
        testSet = (Collection<List<String>>)inData.readObject();
      } catch (IOException e) {
        StringWriter wr = new StringWriter();e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(wr));
        IllegalArgumentException ex = new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());ex.initCause(e);
        throw ex;
      /* Loads the original set. */
      PTASequenceEngine sOrigMinus = new PTASequenceEngine()
          init( FSMImplementation() {
            public boolean shouldBeReturned(@SuppressWarnings("unused"Object elem)
              return elem != null;
      SequenceSet minusInit = SequenceSet();minusInit.setIdentity();minusInit.cross(minusTrainingSet);
      int totalLenOrig = 0, origNumber=0;
      for(List<String> seq:minusTrainingSet)
        assert seq.size() > 1;
        assert graph.getVertex(seq) == null;// the seq is negative indeed
        assert graph.getVertex(seq.subList(0, seq.size()-1)) != null;// the -1 prefix is positive
        assert sOrigMinus.containsSequence(seq);// make sure PTA construction did not fumble.
        assert graph.paths.tracePath(seq) == seq.size()-1;// and another check that a -1 prefix is ok
      assert sOrigMinus.getData().size() == 0;// all negatives

      /* Builds the new set. */
      PTASequenceEngine sNewMinus = rpg.getAllSequences(percent/10-1);
      int totalLenNew = 0, newNumber = 0;
      for(List<String> seq:sNewMinus.getData(PTASequenceEngine.truePred))
        assert seq.size() > 1;
        assert graph.getVertex(seq) == null;
        assert graph.getVertex(seq.subList(0, seq.size()-1)) != null;
        assert graph.paths.tracePath(seq) == seq.size()-1;
      // 22,23
      String comparison = "Orig ave len: "+FS+((double)totalLenOrig)/origNumber+FS+
      // 24,25
          " new ave len: "+FS+((double)totalLenNew)/newNumber+FS+
      // 26,27
          " fudge status: "+FS+rpg.getFudgeDetails();
      //int numberOfMinusSequences = minusTrainingSet.size();
      assert sNewMinus.getData().size() == 0;// all negatives
      if (useOrig)
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    int size = 4*graph.getStateNumber();
    RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(graph, new Random(100),5);// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
    int percentPerChunk = 10;
    int nrPerChunk = size/(100/percentPerChunk);nrPerChunk+=nrPerChunk % 2;// make the number even
    rpg.generatePosNeg(nrPerChunk , 100/percentPerChunk);
    RPNIBlueFringeLearnerTestComponentOpt l = new RPNIBlueFringeLearnerTestComponentOpt(null,config)
      protected Pair<Integer,String> checkWithEndUser(
          @SuppressWarnings("unused"LearnerGraph model,
          List<String> question,
          @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object [] moreOptions)
        return new Pair<Integer,String>(graph.paths.tracePath(question),null);
    PTASequenceEngine sPlus = null, sMinus = null;int percent = 10;
    sPlus = rpg.getExtraSequences(percent/10-1);sMinus = rpg.getAllSequences(percent/10-1);

    int ptaSize = sMinus.numberOfLeafNodes();
    l.init(sMinus, ptaSize,ptaSize);// our imaginary positives are prefixes of negatives.
    DirectedSparseGraph learningOutcome = l.learnMachine();
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    /** This method is executed on an executor thread. */
    public void runTheExperiment()
      int size = 4*graph.getStateNumber();
      RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(graph, new Random(100),5);// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
      int percentPerChunk = 10;
      int nrPerChunk = size/(100/percentPerChunk);nrPerChunk+=nrPerChunk % 2;// make the number even
      rpg.generatePosNeg(2*nrPerChunk , 100/percentPerChunk);// 2* reflects the fact that nrPerChunk denotes the number of elements in both chunks (positive and negative) combined. 
      RPNIBlueFringeLearner l = null;
      if (useAmber)
        l = new RPNIBlueAmberFringeLearner(null,config)
          protected Pair<Integer,String> checkWithEndUser(
              @SuppressWarnings("unused"LearnerGraph model,
              List<String> question,
              @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object [] moreOptions)
            return new Pair<Integer,String>(graph.paths.tracePath(question),null);
        l= new RPNIBlueFringeLearnerTestComponentOpt(null,config)
          protected Pair<Integer,String> checkWithEndUser(
              @SuppressWarnings("unused"LearnerGraph model,
              List<String> question,
              @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object [] moreOptions)
            return new Pair<Integer,String>(graph.paths.tracePath(question),null);
      sPlus = rpg.getExtraSequences(percent/10-1);sMinus = rpg.getAllSequences(percent/10-1);

      RecordProgressDecorator recorder = null;
      try {
        recorder = new RecordProgressDecorator(l.getLearner(),new,1,config,true);
        //recorder.setCompressionMethod(ZipEntry.STORED);// no compression, for speed.
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    protected void buildSets()
      int size = graph.paths.getGraph().getEdges().size()*4;// FIXME: this one ignores parallel edges
        RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(graph, new Random(100),3);// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
      rpg.generatePosNeg(size, experiment.getStageNumber());
      pta = rpg.getAllSequences(percent);
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Related Classes of statechum.analysis.learning.rpnicore.RandomPathGenerator$StateName

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