// where A and C respectively are winners.
// GD comparison of the two graphs determines that we need to remove the part
// of the first graph starting with a19 transition and just loop a19 around B.
// This way, states B and D are preserved and the outcome of reconstruction is B-a19->B-a5->D
// which is bisimular to the expected graph but state names are different.
new Test_LearnerComparator(learner2,simulator,!evalData.config.isIgnoreVertexAttributesInLogReplay()).learnMachine(initial.plus, initial.minus);
if (logFileName.contains(Configuration.LEARNER.LEARNER_BLUEFRINGE_DEC2007.name()))
VertexID.comparisonKind = ComparisonKind.COMPARISON_NORM;// reset this one if needed.