final LearnerEvaluationConfiguration bfLearnerInitConfiguration = new LearnerEvaluationConfiguration(conf);bfLearnerInitConfiguration.ifthenSequences = PaperUAS.this.learnerInitConfiguration.ifthenSequences;
config = bfLearnerInitConfiguration.config;// our config is a copy of the one supplied as an argument.
if (choice == pairchoiceMAX || choice == pairchoiceMIN) rnd = null;else rnd = new Random(choice);
learner = new DummyLearner(new RPNIUniversalLearner(null, bfLearnerInitConfiguration))
public LearnerGraph MergeAndDeterminize(LearnerGraph original, StatePair pair)
{// Use the old and limited version to compute the merge because the general one is too slow on large graphs and we do not need either to merge arbitrary states or to handle "incompatibles".
return MergeStates.mergeAndDeterminize(original, pair);