Pair<Trace, Trace> index = new Pair<Trace, Trace>(new Trace(),
String map = toks[1].trim();
map = map.substring(1, map.length() - 1);
CodeCoverageMap mapObject = new CodeCoverageMap();
if (map.length() > 0) {
// Create the parsed coverage map object
String[] maplets = (map.trim()).split("\\},\\{");
// Trim the {} off the first and last items...
maplets[0] = maplets[0].substring(1);
maplets[maplets.length - 1] = maplets[maplets.length - 1]
maplets[maplets.length - 1].length() - 1);
for (String m : maplets) {
// Maplets have the form {line, count} but should be
// missing the {} from the way we split the string.
String[] parts = m.split(",");
mapObject.add(parts[0], Integer.parseInt(parts[1]));
coverageMaps.put(index, mapObject);
// System.out.println("Loading coverage map for \"" +