PegCallGraph pecg = new PegCallGraph(callGraph);
// Find allocation nodes that are run more than once
// Also find methods that are run more than once
// G.v().out.println(" MHP: AllocNodesFinder");
AllocNodesFinder anf = new AllocNodesFinder(pecg, callGraph, (PAG) pta);
Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes = anf.getMultiRunAllocNodes();
Set<Object> multiCalledMethods = anf.getMultiCalledMethods();
// Find Thread.start() and Thread.join() statements (in live code)
// G.v().out.println(" MHP: StartJoinFinder");
StartJoinFinder sjf = new StartJoinFinder(callGraph, (PAG) pta); // does analysis
Map<Stmt, List<AllocNode>> startToAllocNodes = sjf.getStartToAllocNodes();