if (currentElementCreator!=null && !_elementHasBeenCreated){
// track gates and components at current mouse position
Point p = new Point(_moveX, _moveY);
GatedComponent gc = getGateComponentAt(p);
if (gc != null){
Gate gate = getGateAt(p);
if (gate != null){
_currentTrackedGates.add(new TrackedGate(null, true, gate));
} else if (_elementContainer.getSelection().getShapeCount()== 1){
// track gates and components for selected gated components or connections
ElementSelection ss = _elementContainer.getSelection().getSelection(0);
// look up for gate at selected end
if (_translatingPoint && ss instanceof ConnectionPathSelection && ((ConnectionPathSelection)ss).isOneEndSelected()){
ConnectionPathSelection cps = ((ConnectionPathSelection)ss);
Connection connection = cps.getConnection();
boolean isFirstEndSelected = ((ConnectionPathSelection)ss).isFirstEndSelected();
Point p = isFirstEndSelected? connection.getPath().getNode(0) : connection.getPath().getNode(connection.getPath().getNodeNumber()-1);
// Component
GatedComponent gc = getGateComponentAt(p);
if (gc != null){
// Gate
Gate gate = getGateAt(p);
if (gate != null){
_currentTrackedGates.add(new TrackedGate(connection, isFirstEndSelected, gate));
} else if (_translatingShapes){
Shape s = ss.element;
// For each connection ends, look up for a gate
if (ss instanceof ConnectionPathSelection){
Connection connection = ((ConnectionPathSelection)ss).getConnection();
Path connectionPath = connection.getPath();
Point firstEnd = connectionPath.getNode(0); // first end
GatedComponent gc = getGateComponentAt(firstEnd);
if (gc != null){
Gate gate = getGateAt(firstEnd);
if (gate != null){
_currentTrackedGates.add(new TrackedGate(connection, true, gate));
Point lastEnd = connectionPath.getNode(connectionPath.getNodeNumber()-1); // first end
gc = getGateComponentAt(lastEnd);
if (gc != null){
gate = getGateAt(lastEnd);
if (gate != null){
_currentTrackedGates.add(new TrackedGate(connection, false, gate));
// For each gates, look up for a connection ends
} else if (s instanceof GatedComponent){
GatedComponent gc = ((GatedComponent)s);
List gates = gc.getGates();
for(int i =0;i<gates.size();i++){
Gate gate = (Gate)gates.get(i);
Point gateAnchor = gate.getAnchor();