if (pieces == null) {
System.out.println("No parent element found by the given name: " + EXAMPLE_PARENT);
PuzzlePiece parent = pieces.first();
pieces = nameToDefinition.get(EXAMPLE_CHILD);
if (pieces == null) {
System.out.println("No child element found by the given name: " + EXAMPLE_CHILD);
PuzzlePiece child = pieces.first();
if (pieces.size() > 1) {
System.out.println("There were more than one element by this name. Dropped all instances but one.");
System.out.println("PATHS from " + parent.getQName() + " to " + child.getQName() + ": ");
List<String> paths = new PathPrinter(parent).printPathsToChild(child);
if (paths == null) {