* @return The data.
* @throws rocks.xmpp.core.stanza.model.StanzaException If the entity returned a stanza error, e.g. {@link rocks.xmpp.core.stanza.model.errors.ItemNotFound}, if the data was not found.
* @throws rocks.xmpp.core.session.NoResponseException If the entity did not respond.
public Data getData(String contentId, Jid to) throws XmppException {
IQ result = xmppSession.query(new IQ(to, IQ.Type.GET, new Data(contentId)));
Data data = result.getExtension(Data.class);
// // Only cache the data, if the max-age attribute absent or not zero.
// if (data != null && (data.getMaxAge() != null && data.getMaxAge() != 0 || data.getMaxAge() == null)) {
// dataCache.put(contentId, data);
// }
return data;