((DocEffigy) effigy).setDocAttribute(docAttribute);
ComponentEntity tableau = ((Effigy) effigy).getEntity("DocTableau");
if (tableau == null) {
try {
tableau = new DocTableau((DocEffigy) effigy, "DocTableau");
((DocTableau) tableau).setTitle("Documentation for "
+ target.getFullName());
} catch (KernelException exception) {
throw new InternalErrorException(exception);
} else {
if (isMultipleDocumentationAllowed()) {
try {
// FIXME: This is necessary for Kepler, but
// not for Ptolemy? Why?
// Create a new tableau with a unique name
tableau = new DocTableau((DocEffigy) effigy, effigy
((DocTableau) tableau).setTitle("Documentation for "
+ target.getFullName());
} catch (KernelException exception) {
MessageHandler.error("Failed to display documentation for "