This class represents one level of hierarchy of a Ptolemy II model. The graph model represents attributes, ports, entities and relations as nodes. Entities and attributes are represented in the model by the icon that is used to visually depict them. Relations are represented in the model by its vertices (which are visual elements that generally exist in multiple places in a visual rendition). Ports represent themselves in the model.
In the terminology of diva, the graph elements are "nodes" (icons, vertices, and ports), and the "edges" link them. Edges are represented in the model by instances of the Link class. Edges may link a port and a vertex, or a port and another port. For visual simplicity, both types of edges are represented by an instance of the Link class. If an edge is placed between a port and a vertex then the Link represents a Ptolemy II link between the port and the vertex's Relation. However, if an edge is placed between two ports, then it represents a relation (with no vertex) and links from the relation to each port (in Ptolemy II, this is called a "connection").
This model uses a ptolemy change listener to detect changes to the model that do not originate from this model. These changes are propagated as structure changed graph events to all graphListeners registered with this model. This mechanism allows a graph visualization of a ptolemy model to remain synchronized with the state of a mutating model.
@author Steve Neuendorffer, Contributor: Edward A. Lee
@version $Id:,v 1.75 2007/12/16 07:29:48 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 2.0
@Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (neuendor)
@Pt.AcceptedRating Red (johnr)