
Examples of

        State st = controller.currentState();

        // Chose a preemptive transition, if there is one,
        // and execute its choice actions.
        // The choice actions are the outputActions, not the setActions.
        Transition tr = controller.chooseTransition(st
        _enabledTransition = tr;

        // If a preemptive transition was found, prefire and fire
        // the refinements of the transition, and then return.
        if (tr != null) {
            if (_debugging) {
                _debug("Preemptive transition is enabled.");
            Actor[] actors = tr.getRefinement();
            if (actors != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < actors.length; ++i) {
                    if (_stopRequested) {
                    if (_debugging) {
                        _debug("Prefire and fire the refinement of the preemptive transition: "
                                + actors[i].getFullName());
                    if (actors[i].prefire()) {

        // There was no preemptive transition, so we proceed
        // to the refinement of the current state.
        Actor[] actors = st.getRefinement();
        if (actors != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < actors.length; ++i) {
                if (_stopRequested) {
                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Fire the refinement of the current state: ",
        // Mark that this state has been visited.

        // Read the inputs from the environment.
        // Read the outputs from the refinement.

        // NOTE: we assume the controller, which is an FSM actor, is strict.
        // That is, the controller will only fire when all inputs are ready.
        // NOTE: There seems to be a problem. In particular, if some inputs are
        // unknown before this modal model fires, the transition is not checked.
        // This suggest that we might need another firing if some inputs later
        // become known so that to ensure that no transition is missed.
        // NOTE: this is saved by the _hasIterationConverged() method
        // defined in the FixedPointDirector, where it ensures that no receivers
        // will change their status and until then an iteration is claimed
        // complete.
        Iterator inputPorts = controller.inputPortList().iterator();

        while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
            IOPort inputPort = (IOPort);
            if (!inputPort.isKnown()) {

        // See whether there is an enabled transition.
        tr = controller.chooseTransition(st.nonpreemptiveTransitionList());
        _enabledTransition = tr;
        if (tr != null) {
            if (_debugging) {
                _debug("Transition: " + tr.getName() + " is enabled.");
            actors = tr.getRefinement();
            if (actors != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < actors.length; ++i) {
                    if (_stopRequested) {
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                    _debug("Find enabled non-preemptive transitions.");

            // Check whether there is any event detected for preemptive transitions.
            Transition preemptiveTrWithEvent = _checkEvent(currentState

            if (preemptiveTrWithEvent != null) {
                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Detected event for transition:  "
                            + preemptiveTrWithEvent.getGuardExpression());

            // Check whether there is any event detected for
            // nonpreemptive transitions.
            Transition nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent = _checkEvent(currentState

            if (nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent != null) {
                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Detected event for transition:  "
                            + nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent.getGuardExpression());

            double errorTolerance = enclosingDirector.getErrorTolerance();

            // If there is no transition enabled, the last step size is
            // accurate for transitions. The states will be committed at
            // the postfire method.
            // Set the local variables to be used to suggest a step
            // size in the next call to refinedStepSize().
            if ((preemptiveEnabledTransitions.size() == 0)
                    && (nonpreemptiveEnabledTransitions.size() == 0)
                    && (preemptiveTrWithEvent == null)
                    && (nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent == null)) {
                _lastDistanceToBoundary = 0.0;
                _distanceToBoundary = 0.0;
                return result;
            } else {
                Transition enabledTransition = null;

                // We check the maximum difference of the relations that change
                // their status for step size refinement.
                _distanceToBoundary = Double.MIN_VALUE;

                Iterator iterator = preemptiveEnabledTransitions.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

                    double distanceToBoundary = relationList
                    // The distance to boundary is the difference between
                    // the value of a variable in a relation (comparison
                    // operation) and the threshold value against which it
                    // is being compared. The previous distance is the last
                    // committed distance.
                    if (distanceToBoundary > _distanceToBoundary) {
                        _distanceToBoundary = distanceToBoundary;
                        _lastDistanceToBoundary = relationList
                        enabledTransition = transition;

                iterator = nonpreemptiveEnabledTransitions.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

                    double distanceToBoundary = relationList
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            // Only commit the current states of the relationlists
            // of all the transitions during these execution phases.
            Iterator iterator = currentState.nonpreemptiveTransitionList()
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

            iterator = currentState.preemptiveTransitionList().listIterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator
        } else {
            // It is important to clear the history information of the
            // relation list since after this breakpoint, no history
            // information is valid.
            Iterator iterator = currentState.nonpreemptiveTransitionList()
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

            iterator = currentState.preemptiveTransitionList().listIterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator
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    private Transition _checkEvent(List transitionList) {
        Iterator transitionRelations = transitionList.iterator();

        while (transitionRelations.hasNext() && !_stopRequested) {
            Transition transition = (Transition);
            ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
            RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator.getRelationList();
            if (relationList.hasEvent()) {
                return transition;
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                    _debug("Find enabled non-preemptive transitions.");

            // Check if there is any event detected for preemptive transitions.
            Transition preemptiveTrWithEvent = _checkEvent(currentState

            if (preemptiveTrWithEvent != null) {
                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Detected event for transition:  "
                            + preemptiveTrWithEvent.getGuardExpression());

            // Check if there is any events detected for
            // nonpreemptive transitions.
            Transition nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent = _checkEvent(currentState

            if (nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent != null) {
                if (_debugging) {
                    _debug("Detected event for transition:  "
                            + nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent.getGuardExpression());

            double errorTolerance = dir.getErrorTolerance();

            // If there is no transition enabled, the last step size is
            // accurate for transitions. The states will be committed at
            // the postfire method.
            if ((preemptiveEnabledTransitions.size() == 0)
                    && (nonpreemptiveEnabledTransitions.size() == 0)
                    && (preemptiveTrWithEvent == null)
                    && (nonPreemptiveTrWithEvent == null)) {
                _transitionHasEvent = false;
                _lastDistanceToBoundary = 0.0;
                _distanceToBoundary = 0.0;
                _outputAccurate = true;
            } else {
                Transition enabledTransition = null;

                // We check the maximum difference of the relations that change
                // their status for step size refinement.
                _distanceToBoundary = Double.MIN_VALUE;

                Iterator iterator = preemptiveEnabledTransitions.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

                    double distanceToBoundary = relationList

                    if (distanceToBoundary > _distanceToBoundary) {
                        _distanceToBoundary = distanceToBoundary;
                        _lastDistanceToBoundary = relationList
                        enabledTransition = transition;

                iterator = nonpreemptiveEnabledTransitions.iterator();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

                    double distanceToBoundary = relationList
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        // If there is one transition enabled, the HSFSMDirector requests
        // to be fired again at the same time to see whether the next state
        // has some outgoing transition enabled.
        Transition tr = _enabledTransition;

        if (tr != null) {
            if (_debugging) {
                _debug("Postfire deals with enabled transition "
                        + tr.getGuardExpression());

            // It is important to clear the history information of the
            // relation list since after this breakpoint, no history
            // information is valid.
            Iterator iterator = currentState.nonpreemptiveTransitionList()

            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

            iterator = currentState.preemptiveTransitionList().listIterator();

            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Transition transition = (Transition);
                ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

            // If the top level of the model is modal model, the director
            // is null. We do not request to be fired again since no one in
            // the upper level of hierarchy will do that.
            if (executiveDirector != null) {
                if (_debugging) {
                            + " requests refiring at " + getModelTime());

                // If there is one transition enabled, the HSFSMDirector requests
                // to be fired again at the same time to see whether the next
                // state has some outgoing transition enabled.
                executiveDirector.fireAt(container, getModelTime());

            // If this iteration will not generate more events, (the
            // current phase of execution is neithter generating-event nor
            // iterating-purely-discrete-actors), or the executive director
            // is not a CT director, reset the _enabledTransition to null.
            // Here we reset the cached enabled transition at the
            // updating-continuous-states phase, indicating the end of a
            // complete iteration of the executive CT director.
            // This guarantees that at most one transition is taken in an
            // iteration of discrete phase of execution.
            // To be more specific, for each (t, n), there is at most
            // one event.
            if ((getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.UPDATING_CONTINUOUS_STATES_PHASE)
                    || (executiveDirector == null)) {
                // Only clear the cached enabled transition when no more events
                // will be generated at the current discrete phase of execution.
                _enabledTransition = null;

                // Enable mutation when the current phase of execution is
                // updating continuous states.
                // This is to avoid unnecessary change requests made by
                // the super class FSMDirector.
                _mutationEnabled = true;
        } else {
            if ((getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.GENERATING_EVENTS_PHASE)
                    || (getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.POSTFIRING_EVENT_GENERATORS_PHASE)) {
                // Only commit the current states of the relationlists
                // of all the transitions during these execution phases.
                Iterator iterator = currentState.nonpreemptiveTransitionList()

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator

                iterator = currentState.preemptiveTransitionList()

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    Transition transition = (Transition);
                    ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
                    RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator
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    ////                         private methods                   ////

    // This method detects any events happened during one step size.
    private Transition _checkEvent(List transitionList) {
        Transition result = null;
        Iterator transitionRelations = transitionList.iterator();

        while (transitionRelations.hasNext() && !_stopRequested
                && (result == null)) {
            Transition transition = (Transition);
            ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression parseTreeEvaluator = (ParseTreeEvaluatorForGuardExpression) transition
            RelationList relationList = parseTreeEvaluator.getRelationList();

            if (relationList.hasEvent()) {
                result = transition;
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        FSMActor ctrl = getController();
        State currentState = ctrl.currentState();


        Transition transition;

        // NOTE: If an enabled transition is already found,
        // do not try to find another enabled transition.
        // This guarantees that each firing of a modal model produces at most
        // one discrete event.
        // Also, the refinements are not fired to prevent the output from the
        // enabled transitions being overwritten by the outputs from the
        // refinements.
        // This guarantees that only one event is produced at one discrete
        // phase of execution.
        if (_enabledTransition == null) {
            // Handle preemptive transitions
            // Only EXECUTE enabled transitions at the generating-event phase
            // and iterating-purely-discrete-actors phase during a
            // discrete-phase execution. In fact, if this director is used
            // inside CT models only, we can further constraint the enabled
            // transitions to be executed only in generating-event phase.
            // However, to support the backwards compatibility such that
            // HSFSMDirector can be also used inside DE models, we also allow the
            // enabled transitions to be executed at the
            // iterating-purely-discrete-actors phase.
            // Check enabled transitions at the end of a continuous phase
            // execution where the accuracy of the current step size is checked.
            if ((getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.GENERATING_EVENTS_PHASE)
                    || (getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.ITERATING_PURELY_DISCRETE_ACTORS_PHASE)) {
                transition = ctrl.chooseTransition(currentState
                _transitionHasEvent = false;
            } else {
                transition = null;

            // NOTE: The refinements of a transition can not and must not
            // advance time. However, this requirement is not checked here.
            if (transition != null) {
                // record the enabled preemptive transition
                // for the postfire() method.
                _enabledTransition = transition;

                // Disable mutation because we are in the middle of an
                // iteration. The mutation will be enabled again in the
                // postfire() method when the current phase of execution is
                // updating continuous states.
                _mutationEnabled = false;

                Actor[] actors = transition.getRefinement();

                if ((actors != null) && (actors.length > 0)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < actors.length; ++i) {
                        if (_stopRequested) {

                        if (actors[i].prefire()) {


                // An enabled preemptive transition preempts the
                // firing of the enabled refienements.

            boolean visited = currentState.isVisited();

            // Fire the refinements of the current state.
            Iterator actors = _enabledRefinements.iterator();

            while (actors.hasNext()) {
                Actor actor = (Actor);

                if (_debugging && _verbose) {
                    _debug(getName(), " fire refinement", ((NamedObj) actor)

                // If this is the first time this state is visited, check
                // whether the director for the refinement is a CT (Embedded)
                // director. If so, establish the initial states for this
                // refinement.
                if (!visited) {
                    Director director = actor.getDirector();

                    if (director instanceof CTEmbeddedDirector) {
                        ((CTEmbeddedDirector) director)


            // The controller needs to know the most updated outputs from
            // the firing of the enabled refinements.

            if (!visited) {

            // Handle nonpreemptive transitions
            // Only EXECUTE enabled transitions at the generating-event phase
            // and iterating-purely-discrete-actors phase during a
            // discrete-phase execution. In fact, if this director is used
            // inside CT models only, we can further constraint the enabled
            // transitions to be executed only in generating-event phase.
            // However, to support the backwards
            // compatibility such that HSFSMDirector can be also used inside DE
            // models, we also allow the enabled transitions to be executed at
            // the iterating-purely-discrete-actors phase.
            // Check enabled transitions at the end of a continuous
            // phase of execution to verify the accuracy of current step size.
            if ((getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.GENERATING_EVENTS_PHASE)
                    || (getExecutionPhase() == CTExecutionPhase.ITERATING_PURELY_DISCRETE_ACTORS_PHASE)) {
                // Note that the output actions associated with the transition
                // are executed.
                transition = ctrl.chooseTransition(currentState
                _transitionHasEvent = false;
            } else {
                transition = null;

            // execute the refinements of the enabled transition.
            if (transition != null) {
                // record the enabled nonpreemptive transition for
                // the postfire() method
                _enabledTransition = transition;

                // Disable mutation because we are in the middle of an
                // iteration. The mutation will be enabled again in the
                // postfire() method when the current phase of execution is
                // updating continuous states.
                _mutationEnabled = false;

                Actor[] transitionActors = transition.getRefinement();

                if ((transitionActors != null) && (transitionActors.length > 0)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < transitionActors.length; ++i) {
                        if (_stopRequested) {
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        State ctrlInc = new State(ctrl, "Increasing");
        State ctrlDec = new State(ctrl, "Decreasing");

        Transition ctrlTr1 = new Transition(ctrl, "ctrlTr1");;;
                .setExpression("Decreasing.Integrator.initialState = state");

        Transition ctrlTr2 = new Transition(ctrl, "ctrlTr2");;;
                .setExpression("Increasing.Integrator.initialState = state");

        IOPort ctrlIn = new TypedIOPort(ctrl, "output");
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            // Create a self-loop transition if one does not exist.
            // FIXME: This assumes it is right!  Can it be wrong?
            // Need to ensure that these relations are deleted when a
            // refinement is deleted.
            if (_controller.getRelation(controlValue) == null) {
                Transition transition = (Transition) _controller
                transition.guardExpression.setExpression("control == "
                        + controlValue);
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