This director handles both predictable breakpoints, whose appearance can be assured before reaching the time points they happen, and unpredictable breakpoints, whose appearance is unknown before the simulation passes the time points they happen.
This director can only be a top-level director. For a CT model as an opaque composite actor inside another model, use CTMixedSignalDirector (if the outer model is a discrete-event model) or CTEmbeddedDirector (if the outer model is a CT model or a Modal model with a HSFSMDirector.)
This director recognizes actors that implement the CTStepSizeControlActor interface and adjusts the step size by polling such actors. If all actors are content with the current step size, then it attempts to raise the step size. If any actor is not satisfied with the current step size, then this director reduces the step size. A special case is that if there are no CT step size control actors, then this director uses 5 times of the current step size or the maximum step size, whichever is smaller.
This director has two more parameters than the CTDirector base class.