If the model containing this port parameter has been saved to a MoML file, then the file name can be given relative to the directory containing that MoML file. If the model has not been saved to a file, then the classpath is used for identifying relative file names.
Files can be given relative to a base, where the base is the URI of the first container above this one that has a URIAttribute. Normally, this URI specifies the file or URL containing the model definition. Thus, files that are referred to here can be kept in the same directory as the model, or in a related directory, and can moved together with the model.
The following special file names are understood:
String | Description | Property |
If a file name begins with the reference "$CLASSPATH", then when the file is opened for reading, the openForReading() method will search for the file relative to the classpath (using the getResource() method of the current class loader). This will only work for a file that exists, and thus the openForWriting() method will not understand the "$CLASSPATH" string; this makes sense since the classpath typically has several directories, and it would not be obvious where to create the file. The asURL() method also recognizes the "$CLASSPATH" string, but not the asFile() method (which is typically used when accessing a file for writing). NOTE: If the container of this parameter also contains a variable named CLASSPATH, then the value of that variable is used instead of the Java classpath.
This parameter has two values, which may not be equal, a current value and a persistent value. The persistent value is returned by getExpression() and is set by any of three different mechanisms:
When using this parameter in an actor, care must be exercised to call update() exactly once per firing prior to calling getToken(). Each time update() is called, a new token will be consumed from the associated port (if the port is connected and has a token). If this is called multiple times in an iteration, it may result in consuming tokens that were intended for subsequent iterations. Thus, for example, update() should not be called in fire() and then again in postfire(). Moreover, in some domains (such as DE), it is essential that if a token is provided on a port, that it is consumed. In DE, the actor will be repeatedly fired until the token is consumed. Thus, it is an error to not call update() once per iteration. For an example of an actor that uses this mechanism, see Ramp.
If this actor is placed in a container that does not implement the TypedActor interface, then no associated port is created, and it functions as an ordinary file parameter. This is useful, for example, if this is put in a library, where one would not want the associated port to appear.
There are a few situations where FilePortParameter might not do what you expect: