
Examples of

    protected Configuration _createEmptyConfiguration() throws Exception {
        Configuration configuration = _createDefaultConfiguration();
        URL welcomeURL = null;
        URL introURL = null;

        ModelDirectory directory = configuration.getDirectory();

        Parameter applicationBlankPtolemyEffigyAtStartup = (Parameter) configuration
        if ((applicationBlankPtolemyEffigyAtStartup != null)
                && applicationBlankPtolemyEffigyAtStartup.getExpression()
                        .equals("true")) {
            PtolemyEffigy.Factory factory = new PtolemyEffigy.Factory(
                    directory, directory.uniqueName("ptolemyEffigy"));

            Effigy effigy = factory.createEffigy(directory, null, null);
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                // Set the URI and identifier of the effigy.

                // Put the effigy into the directory
                ModelDirectory directory = getDirectory();

                // Create a default tableau.
                return createPrimaryTableau(effigy);
            } else {
                // If we get here, then we are looking inside a model
                // that is defined within the same file as the parent,
                // probably.  Create a new PtolemyEffigy
                // and open a tableau for it.
                // Put the effigy inside the effigy of the parent,
                // rather than directly into the directory.
                NamedObj parent = entity.getContainer();
                PtolemyEffigy parentEffigy = null;

                // Find the first container above in the hierarchy that
                // has an effigy.
                while ((parent != null) && (parentEffigy == null)) {
                    parentEffigy = getEffigy(parent);
                    parent = parent.getContainer();

                boolean isContainerSet = false;

                if (parentEffigy != null) {
                    // OK, we can put it into this other effigy.

                    // Set the identifier of the effigy to be that
                    // of the parent with the model name appended.
                    // Note that we add a # the first time, and
                    // then add . after that.  So
                    // file:/c:/foo.xml#bar.bif is ok, but
                    // file:/c:/foo.xml#bar#bif is not
                    // If the title does not contain a legitimate
                    // way to reference the submodel, then the user
                    // is likely to look at the title and use the wrong
                    // value if they xml edit files by hand. (cxh-4/02)
                    String entityName = parentEffigy.identifier.getExpression();
                    String separator = "#";

                    if (entityName.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
                        separator = ".";

                    effigy.identifier.setExpression(entityName + separator
                            + entity.getName());

                    // Set the uri of the effigy to that of
                    // the parent.

                    // Indicate success.
                    isContainerSet = true;

                // If the above code did not find an effigy to put
                // the new effigy within, then put it into the
                // directory directly.
                if (!isContainerSet) {
                    CompositeEntity directory = getDirectory();

                return createPrimaryTableau(effigy);
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                            // The finally clause below can result in the
                            // application exiting if there are no other
                            // effigies open.  We check for that condition,
                            // and report the error here.  Otherwise, we
                            // pass the error to the caller.
                            ModelDirectory dir = (ModelDirectory) effigy
                            List effigies = dir.entityList(Effigy.class);

                            // We might get to here if we are running a
                            // vergil with a model specified as a command
                            // line argument and the model has an invalid
                            // parameter.
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