int row = event.getFirstRow();
int column = event.getColumn();
if (column != TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS && row == event.getLastRow()) {
// Get the value in the transformer's correspondence attribute.
TransformationRule transformer = (TransformationRule) getModel();
Pattern pattern = transformer.getPattern();
Replacement replacement = transformer.getReplacement();
String newValue = _getCellEditorValue((JPanel) _tableModel
.getValueAt(row, column));
String previousString = _cellEditor.getPreviousString();
if (previousString.equals(newValue)) {
if (column == 1) {
String patternObjectName = newValue;
if (patternObjectName.length() > 0) {
NamedObj patternObject = pattern
if (patternObject == null) {
patternObject = pattern.getRelation(patternObjectName);
if (patternObject == null) {
String message = "Entity or relation with name \""
+ patternObjectName
+ "\" cannot be found in the pattern of the "