public class CdeRunJsPropertyTypeWriter extends JsWriterAbstract implements IThingWriter
public void write(Object output, IThingWriteContext context, Thing t) throws ThingWriteException
PropertyType prop = (PropertyType)t;
StringBuilder out = (StringBuilder)output;
// ------------
writeValuesListInputTypeRenderer(out, prop);
// ------------
// NOTE: property type name cannot have spaces
// or other special chars, but this is not enforced anywhere.
String camelName = prop.getCamelName();
// camelName is the name by which the property will be registered
// on the client, by means of PropertiesManager.register(...)
String fullName = camelName;
ComponentType owner = prop.getOwner();
if(owner != null)
String modelId = CdeRunJsHelper.getComponentTypeModelId(owner);
fullName = modelId + "_" + fullName;
// PropVar still not garanteed unique...
String propVarName = prop.getName() + "Property";
// TODO: Currently, the Property/Base property is not being taken
// into account in the generated JS...
out.append("var "); out.append(propVarName); out.append(" = BasePropertyType.extend({");
// This is the name used by PropertiesManager.register(...) to index the property
addJsProperty(out, "type", JsonUtils.toJsString(fullName), INDENT1, true);
out.append(INDENT1); out.append("stub: {"); out.append(NEWLINE);
// The local property type name is the default name used by property instances
addJsProperty(out, "name", JsonUtils.toJsString(camelName), INDENT2, true);
addJsProperty(out, "value", prop.getDefaultValue(), INDENT2, false);
addJsProperty(out, "description", JsonUtils.toJsString(prop.getLabel()), INDENT2, false);
addJsProperty(out, "tooltip", JsonUtils.toJsString(prop.getTooltip()), INDENT2, false);
// Unfortunately, this «type» attribute is the InputType...
// This attribute is stored along with name and value attributes in the CDFDE JSON file.
addJsProperty(out, "type", JsonUtils.toJsString(prop.getInputType()), INDENT2, false);
addJsProperty(out, "order", String.valueOf(prop.getOrder()), INDENT2, false);
// TODO: CDE editor only supports "simple" and "advanced" classTypes.
String cat = prop.getCategory();
cat = "";