* @throws IOException
private boolean saveSketch() throws IOException{
if(!editor.getSketch().isModified()) return false;
isSaving = true;
Sketch sc = editor.getSketch();
boolean deleteOldSave = false;
String oldSave = null;
autosaveDir = new File(sc.getFolder().getAbsolutePath(), AUTOSAVEFOLDER);
// delete the previous backup after saving current one.
String prevSaves[] = Base.listFiles(autosaveDir, false);
if(prevSaves.length > 0){
deleteOldSave = true;
oldSave = prevSaves[0];
String newParentDir = autosaveDir + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis();
String newName = sc.getName();
// check on the sanity of the name
String sanitaryName = Sketch.checkName(newName);
File newFolder = new File(newParentDir, sanitaryName);
if (!sanitaryName.equals(newName) && newFolder.exists()) {
Base.showMessage("Cannot Save",
"A sketch with the cleaned name\n" +
"“" + sanitaryName + "” already exists.");
isSaving = false;
return false;
newName = sanitaryName;
// String newPath = newFolder.getAbsolutePath();
// String oldPath = folder.getAbsolutePath();
// if (newPath.equals(oldPath)) {
// return false; // Can't save a sketch over itself
// }
// make sure there doesn't exist a tab with that name already
// but ignore this situation for the first tab, since it's probably being
// resaved (with the same name) to another location/folder.
for (int i = 1; i < sc.getCodeCount(); i++) {
if (newName.equalsIgnoreCase(sc.getCode()[i].getPrettyName())) {
"You can't save the sketch as \"" + newName + "\"\n" +
"because the sketch already has a tab with that name.");
isSaving = false;
return false;
// if the new folder already exists, then first remove its contents before
// copying everything over (user will have already been warned).
if (newFolder.exists()) {
// in fact, you can't do this on Windows because the file dialog
// will instead put you inside the folder, but it happens on OS X a lot.
// now make a fresh copy of the folder
// grab the contents of the current tab before saving
// first get the contents of the editor text area
if (sc.getCurrentCode().isModified()) {
File[] copyItems = sc.getFolder().listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File file) {
String name = file.getName();
// just in case the OS likes to return these as if they're legit
if (name.equals(".") || name.equals("..")) {
return false;
// list of files/folders to be ignored during "save as"
for (String ignorable : editor.getMode().getIgnorable()) {
if (name.equals(ignorable)) {
return false;
// ignore the extensions for code, since that'll be copied below
for (String ext : editor.getMode().getExtensions()) {
if (name.endsWith(ext)) {
return false;
// don't do screen captures, since there might be thousands. kind of
// a hack, but seems harmless. hm, where have i heard that before...
if (name.startsWith("screen-")) {
return false;
return true;
// now copy over the items that make sense
for (File copyable : copyItems) {
if (copyable.isDirectory()) {
Base.copyDir(copyable, new File(newFolder, copyable.getName()));
} else {
Base.copyFile(copyable, new File(newFolder, copyable.getName()));
// save the other tabs to their new location
for (int i = 1; i < sc.getCodeCount(); i++) {
File newFile = new File(newFolder, sc.getCode()[i].getFileName());
// While the old path to the main .pde is still set, remove the entry from
// the Recent menu so that it's not sticking around after the rename.
// If untitled, it won't be in the menu, so there's no point.
// if (!isUntitled()) {
// editor.removeRecent();
// }
// save the main tab with its new name
File newFile = new File(newFolder, newName + ".pde");
// updateInternal(newName, newFolder);
// // Make sure that it's not an untitled sketch
// setUntitled(false);