* Mevents and an Observation Event. After that, the main function begins a cycle of removing Events from the PEC
* and adding new Events if they are generated. The simulation finishes when a
* finish Exception is caught.
public void run(){
Event event;
LinkedList<ACOEvent> newEventList;//list to hold newly generated events
/*Create a new Adjacency list graph and pass its reference to the
AdjListGraph<Float> graph = new AdjListGraph<Float>();
try {
SimParser saxParser = new SimParser(graph, file);
}catch (IOException e){
System.out.println("Failed to open dtd file: The file simulation.dtd must be in the same directory of the " +
"xml simulation file");
}catch (ParserConfigurationException e){
System.out.println("SAX related Error: "+e.getMessage());
}catch (SAXException e){
System.out.println("SAX related Error: "+e.getMessage());
/*Create a new PriorityQueue-PEC and fill it with a new
*Mevent for each ant in the ant colony*/
PEC pec = new PQPEC();
for(int i=0;i<antColSize;i++){
event = new Mevent(new Float(0), graph);
/*Create the observation Event and put it in the PEC*/
event = new Observation();
/*PEC event retrieval cycle*/
while((event = pec.getEvent())!=null){
newEventList = (LinkedList<ACOEvent>)event.processEvent();
}catch (FinishException finish){//If the Event processing throws a finish Exception
//System.out.println("Simulation finished: "+finish.getMessage());
return;//End of Simulation
}catch (InvalidGraphException invg){
System.out.println("Bad Graph Design Error: " + invg.getMessage());