//you will have to adjust these paths for the machine this is run on.
//NOTE!! the corpus file can ONLY contain the word "foal" thats it
public void testBuildOntologyFromScratch() throws OWLOntologyCreationException, OWLOntologyStorageException, IOException {
CreateOntologyFromThesaurus cot = new CreateOntologyFromThesaurus();
String ontologyLocation = "/home/nicholas/research/Experiments/DataONEjava/outputTest.owl";
cot.buildOntologyFromScratch("/home/nicholas/research/Experiments/DataONEjava/unitTestData/testForCreateOntologyFromThesaurus.txt", ontologyLocation);
//first, test that it wrote SOMETHING to the ontology location
File f = new File(ontologyLocation);
//second, load it up and check that it contains the following classes