olde = Executions.getCurrent();
try {
int hours = 8760;
final ThemeProvider tp = getWebApp().getConfiguration().getThemeProvider();
if (tp != null) {
try {
final String p = "~." + path;
if (tp.beforeWCS(exec, p) == null) {
return; //skip the whole file
hours = tp.getWCSCacheControl(exec, p);
} catch (AbstractMethodError ex) { //ignore it (backward compatible)
if (hours > 0)
JspFns.setCacheControl(getServletContext(), request, response,
"org.zkoss.web.classWebResource.cache", hours);
for (int j = 0; j < wi.items.length; ++j) {
final Object o = wi.items[j];
if (o instanceof String) {
String uri = (String)o;
if (tp != null) {
try {
uri = tp.beforeWidgetCSS(exec, uri);
if (uri == null)
continue; //skip it
} catch (AbstractMethodError ex) { //ignore it (backward compatible)
try {
_webctx.include(request, HttpBufferedResponse.getInstance(response, sw), uri, null);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
log.realCauseBriefly("Unable to load "+wi.items[j], ex);
} else { //static method
for (Iterator it = wi.langdef.getCSSURIs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String uri = (String)it.next();
if (tp != null) {
try {
uri = tp.beforeWidgetCSS(exec, uri);
if (uri == null)
continue; //skip it
} catch (AbstractMethodError ex) { //ignore it (backward compatible)