str += this.tagAttributes;
str += ">";
// get the options from the database and write them
Data data = Database.query(this.sqlString, conn);
// string to hold the string constructed for each option
String valString = "";
// add a blank option if that option is indicated
if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(this.addBlank) == false) {
valString += "<option value='";
valString += "{\"name\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"display\":\"\",\"displayFieldName\":\""
+ this.displayFieldName
+ "\",\"keyFieldName\":\""
+ this.keyFieldName
+ "\",\"parameterName\":\""
+ +
valString += "'></option>";
// create an option for each database value found
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
Row row = data.get(i);
String value = row.getString(this.keyFieldName);
String display = row.getString(this.displayFieldName);
valString = "";
valString += "{";
valString += "\"displayFieldName\":\"" + this.displayFieldName