The following table shows how XML-RPC types are mapped to java call parameters/response values.
XML-RPC Type | Call Parameters | Call Response | int, i4 | byte Byte short Short int Integer | int Integer |
i8 | long Long | long Long |
double | float Float double Double | double Double |
string | String | String |
boolean | boolean Boolean | boolean Boolean |
dateTime.iso8601 | java.util.Date java.util.Calendar | java.util.Date |
base64 | byte[] | byte[] |
array | java.util.List<Object> Object[] | Object[] |
struct | java.util.Map<String, Object> | java.util.Map<String, Object> |
You can also pass as a parameter any object implementing XMLRPCSerializable interface. In this case your object overrides getSerializable() telling how to serialize to XMLRPC protocol