if (this.persistentQueue == null) return; // should never happen
try {
boolean isInclusive = true; // if the reference is the original one then it is inclusive, if it is a new one then it is exclusive
I_QueueEntry limitEntry = null; // this.referenceEntry;
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
if (limitEntry == null) log.fine(ME+"The reference entry is null");
else log.fine(ME+"The reference entry is '" + limitEntry.getUniqueId() + "' and its flag 'stored' is '" + limitEntry.isStored() + "'");
List<I_Entry> list = null;
if (limitEntry == null || limitEntry.isStored()) {
isInclusive = false;
limitEntry = this.transientQueue.peek(); // get the first entry in the RAM queue as ref
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
if (limitEntry == null) log.fine(ME+"The new reference entry is null");
else log.fine(ME+"The new reference entry is '" + limitEntry.getUniqueId() + "'");
if (limitEntry == null) { // then ram queue was empty when it lost connection and is empty now
isInclusive = false;