To be implemented by any user agent using the panel. "User agent" is a term defined by the W3C in the documentation for XHTML and CSS; in most cases, you can think of this as the rendering component for a browser.
This interface defines a simple callback mechanism for Flying Saucer to interact with a user agent. The FS toolkit provides a default implementation for this interface which in most cases you can leave as is. You can provide your own UserAgentCallback when constructing an {@link org.xhtmlrenderer.simple.XHTMLPanel}or {@link org.xhtmlrenderer.swing.BasicPanel}.
The user agent in this case is responsible for retrieving external resources. For privacy reasons, if using the library in an application that can access URIs in an unrestricted fashion, you may decide to restrict access to XML, CSS or images retrieved from external sources; that's one of the purposes of the UAC.
To understand how to create your own UAC, it's best to look at some of the implemetations shipped with the library, like the {@link org.xhtmlrenderer.swing.NaiveUserAgent}.
@author Torbjörn Gannholm