The unique identifier for a portal {@link org.wwweeeportal.portal.Channel Channel}.
This key extends the {@linkplain ContentDef.Page.Key page key} and is comprised of four informationitems, the {@linkplain #getOwnerID() identifier for the owner of the container} housing the page group, the{@linkplain #getPageGroupID() identifier for the page group}, the {@linkplain #getPageID() identifier for thepage}, and the {@linkplain #getChannelID() identifier for the channel} itself.
A request to the portal may simply {@linkplain ContentManager#getPage(String,String,String,UriInfo,SecurityContext,HttpHeaders) target a page}, or it might go beyond that and specifically {@linkplain org.wwweeeportal.portal.Page#getChannel(String) target achannel}, where the associated request {@linkplain UriInfo#getPath() path} will include the information itemsrequired to {@linkplain ContentDef.ChannelSpec.Key#Key(String,String,String,String) construct} an instance of this class. Any path beyond that required to identify the channel is considered part ofthe {@linkplain org.wwweeeportal.portal.Page.Request#getChannelLocalPath(org.wwweeeportal.portal.Channel) channellocal path}.