setText(GT._("Retrieving MediaWiki API"));
API api = APIFactory.getAPI();
int lastCount = 0;
WikiConfiguration wikiConfiguration = wiki.getWikiConfiguration();
Stats stats = new Stats();
Map<String, List<String>> errors = null;
try {
if (!useList) {
// Retrieve talk pages including a warning
String warningTemplateName = configuration.getString(WPCConfigurationString.ISBN_WARNING_TEMPLATE);
if (warningTemplateName != null) {
setText(GT._("Retrieving talk pages including {0}", "{{" + warningTemplateName + "}}"));
String templateTitle = wikiConfiguration.getPageTitle(
Page warningTemplate = DataManager.getPage(
wiki, templateTitle, null, null, null);
wiki, warningTemplate,
// Retrieve articles in categories for ISBN errors
List<String> categories = configuration.getStringList(WPCConfigurationStringList.ISBN_ERRORS_CATEGORIES);
if (categories != null) {
for (String category : categories) {
String categoryTitle = wikiConfiguration.getPageTitle(Namespace.CATEGORY, category);
Page categoryPage = DataManager.getPage(wiki, categoryTitle, null, null, null);
api.retrieveCategoryMembers(wiki, categoryPage, 0, false);
List<Page> categoryMembers = categoryPage.getRelatedPages(
if (categoryMembers != null) {
// Retrieve articles listed for ISBN errors in Check Wiki
retrieveCheckWikiPages(70, warningPages); // Incorrect length
retrieveCheckWikiPages(71, warningPages); // Incorrect X
retrieveCheckWikiPages(72, warningPages); // Incorrect ISBN-10
retrieveCheckWikiPages(73, warningPages); // Incorrect ISBN-13
// Construct list of articles with warning
setText(GT._("Constructing list of articles with warning"));
HashSet<Page> tmpWarningPages = new HashSet<Page>();
List<Integer> encyclopedicNamespaces = configuration.getEncyclopedicNamespaces();
for (Page warningPage : warningPages) {
// Get article page for talks pages and to do sub-pages
String title = warningPage.getTitle();
if (!warningPage.isArticle()) {
String todoSubpage = configuration.getString(WPCConfigurationString.TODO_SUBPAGE);
if (title.endsWith("/" + todoSubpage)) {
title = title.substring(0, title.length() - 1 - todoSubpage.length());
Integer namespace = warningPage.getNamespace();
if (namespace != null) {
Namespace namespaceTalk = wikiConfiguration.getNamespace(namespace.intValue());
if (namespaceTalk != null) {
int colonIndex = title.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex >= 0) {
title = title.substring(colonIndex + 1);
if (namespace != Namespace.MAIN_TALK) {
title = wikiConfiguration.getPageTitle(namespace - 1, title);
// Add article to the list
Page page = DataManager.getPage(wiki, title, null, null, null);
if (encyclopedicNamespaces.contains(page.getNamespace()) &&
!tmpWarningPages.contains(page)) {
if (getWindow() != null) {
int answer = getWindow().displayYesNoWarning(GT._(
"Analysis found {0} articles to check for ISBN errors.\n" +
"Do you want to update the warnings ?",
Integer.valueOf(tmpWarningPages.size()).toString() ));
if (answer != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
// Sort the list of articles
Collections.sort(warningPages, PageComparator.getTitleFirstComparator());
if (warningPages.isEmpty()) {
return Integer.valueOf(0);
// Working with sublists
UpdateISBNWarningTools tools = new UpdateISBNWarningTools(wiki, this, true, automaticEdit);
if (simulation) {
String lastTitle = null;
while (!warningPages.isEmpty()) {
// Creating sublist
int size = Math.min(10, warningPages.size());
List<Page> sublist = new ArrayList<Page>(size);
while ((sublist.size() < size) && (warningPages.size() > 0)) {
Page page = warningPages.remove(0);
if (sublist.isEmpty()) {
errors = tools.getErrorsMap();
displayResult(stats, startTime, errors);
return Integer.valueOf(stats.getUpdatedPagesCount());
// Update warning
boolean finish = false;
while (!finish) {
finish = true;
try {
tools.updateWarning(sublist, null, null, stats);
lastTitle = sublist.get(sublist.size() - 1).getTitle();
} catch (APIException e) {
if (getWindow() != null) {
int answer = getWindow().displayYesNoWarning(GT._(
"An error occurred when updating disambiguation warnings. Do you want to continue ?\n\n" +
"Error: {0}", e.getMessage()));
if (answer != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
return e;
finish = false;
if (shouldStop()) {
Configuration config = Configuration.getConfiguration();
config.setString(null, ConfigurationValueString.LAST_ISBN_WARNING, lastTitle);
displayResult(stats, startTime, null);
return Integer.valueOf(stats.getUpdatedPagesCount());
if (stats.getUpdatedPagesCount() > lastCount) {
lastCount = stats.getUpdatedPagesCount();
/*if (getWindow() != null) {
int answer = getWindow().displayYesNoWarning(
"This feature is currently under development, please check the modification.\n" +
"Do you want to continue ?");
if (answer != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
return Integer.valueOf(lastCount);
} else {
return Integer.valueOf(lastCount);
errors = tools.getErrorsMap();
if (warningPages.isEmpty()) {
Configuration config = Configuration.getConfiguration();
config.setString(null, ConfigurationValueString.LAST_ISBN_WARNING, (String) null);
} catch (APIException e) {
return e;
displayResult(stats, startTime, errors);
return Integer.valueOf(stats.getUpdatedPagesCount());