// Component
public Page4SimpleList() throws Exception {
// define the action on DnD
final DnDSortableHandler dnd = new DnDSortableHandler("dnd") {
public boolean onDnD(AjaxRequestTarget target, MarkupContainer srcContainer, int srcPos, MarkupContainer destContainer, int destPos) {
// apply modification on model
MyItem myItem = dataList_.remove(srcPos);
dataList_.add(destPos, myItem);
// update feedback message
String msg = String.format("move '%s' from %d to %d", myItem.label, srcPos, destPos);
FeedbackPanel feedback = (FeedbackPanel) Page4SimpleList.this.get("feedback");
if (target != null) {
// target is null in testcase
// false = don't need to keep in sync component, markupId on serverside and client side
return false;
// add the DnD handler to the page
add(new Link("start_dnd") {
protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence url) {
return dnd.getJSFunctionName4Start() + "();";
protected CharSequence getURL() {
return "#";
public void onClick() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT CALLABLE");
add(new Link("stop_dnd") {
protected CharSequence getOnClickScript(CharSequence url) {
return dnd.getJSFunctionName4Stop() + "();";
protected CharSequence getURL() {
return "#";
public void onClick() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT CALLABLE");
// create a container
WebMarkupContainer webList = new WebMarkupContainer("myItemList");
// create items (add as children of the container)
webList.add(new ListView("myItem", dataList_) {
protected void populateItem(ListItem listitem) {
try {
listitem.add(new Label("myItemLabel", new PropertyModel(listitem.getModelObject(), "label")));
} catch (RuntimeException exc) {
throw exc;
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new RuntimeException("wrap: " + exc.getMessage(), exc);