Implementation of {@link IProxyTargetLocator} to locate ejbs using Java EE 5resource injection. To use this technique in a Wicket Page, annotate a instance variable with
@author Filippo Diotalevi
@EJB(name="ejb/myejb") org.acme.MyEjb myejb
If the 'name' attribute is specified, the {@link JavaEEBeanLocator} will search in the JNDIregistry for an EJB named 'java:comp/env/<name>' (in the example: 'java:comp/env/ejb/myejb')
If the 'name' attribute is not specified the {@link JavaEEBeanLocator} will search in the JNDIregistry for an EJB named 'java:comp/env/<complete-class-name-of-the-ejb>' (in the example: 'java:comp/env/com.acme.MyEjb)