Package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.impl.toolbar.attachment

Examples of org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.impl.toolbar.attachment.AttachmentPopupWidget$Style

    File outputFile = new File(ServletContextParameterMap.getParameterValue(ContextParameter.USER_DIRECTORY_PATH) + "KML/" + worksheet.getTitle() + ".kml");
    final Kml kml = KmlFactory.createKml();
    final Folder folder = kml.createAndSetFolder()

    Style style = folder.createAndAddStyle().withId("karma");
    if(randomCounter++%2 == 0)
      style.createAndSetIconStyle().withScale(1.399999976158142).withIcon(new Icon().withHref(""));
      style.createAndSetIconStyle().withScale(1.399999976158142).withIcon(new Icon().withHref(""));

    for (edu.isi.karma.geospatial.Point point : points) {
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        public Feature decorate(Feature feature, KmlEncodingContext context) {
            Placemark pm = (Placemark) feature;
            // while it's possible to have more than one style object, GE will only paint
            // the first one
            Style style = pm.createAndAddStyle();
            List<Symbolizer> symbolizers = context.getCurrentSymbolizers();
            SimpleFeature sf = context.getCurrentFeature();
            if (symbolizers.size() > 0 && sf.getDefaultGeometry() != null) {
                // sort by point, text, line and polygon
                Map<Class, List<Symbolizer>> classified = classifySymbolizers(symbolizers);
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            FocusedRange focusedRange = editor.getSelectionHelper().getSelectionRange();
            if (focusedRange != null) {
              tmpCursor = focusedRange.getFocus();
            final int cursorLoc = tmpCursor;
            AttachmentPopupView attachmentView = new AttachmentPopupWidget();
            attachmentView.init(new Listener() {

              public void onShow() {

              public void onHide() {

              public void onDone(String encodedWaveRef, String attachmentId, String fullFileName) {
                // Insert a file name linking to the attachment URL.
                int lastSlashPos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("/");
                int lastBackSlashPos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("\\");
                String fileName = fullFileName;
                if (lastSlashPos != -1) {
                  fileName = fullFileName.substring(lastSlashPos + 1, fullFileName.length());
                } else if (lastBackSlashPos != -1) {
                  fileName = fullFileName.substring(lastBackSlashPos + 1, fullFileName.length());
                 * From UploadToolbarAction in Walkaround
                 * @author (David Hearnden)
                CMutableDocument doc = editor.getDocument();
                FocusedContentRange selection = editor.getSelectionHelper().getSelectionPoints();
                Point<ContentNode> point;
                if (selection != null) {
                  point = selection.getFocus();
                } else {
                  // Focus was probably lost.  Bring it back.
                  selection = editor.getSelectionHelper().getSelectionPoints();
                  if (selection != null) {
                    point = selection.getFocus();
                  } else {
                    // Still no selection.  Oh well, put it at the end.
                    point = doc.locate(doc.size() - 1);
                XmlStringBuilder content = ImageThumbnail.constructXml(attachmentId, fileName);
                ImageThumbnailWrapper thumbnail = ImageThumbnailWrapper.of(doc.insertXml(point, content));

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            FocusedRange focusedRange = editor.getSelectionHelper().getSelectionRange();
            if (focusedRange != null) {
              tmpCursor = focusedRange.getFocus();
            final int cursorLoc = tmpCursor;
            AttachmentPopupView attachmentView = new AttachmentPopupWidget();
            attachmentView.init(new Listener() {

              public void onShow() {

              public void onHide() {

              public void onDone(String encodedWaveRef, String attachmentId, String fullFileName) {
                // Insert a file name linking to the attachment URL.
                int lastSlashPos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("/");
                int lastBackSlashPos = fullFileName.lastIndexOf("\\");
                String fileName = fullFileName;
                if (lastSlashPos != -1) {
                  fileName = fullFileName.substring(lastSlashPos + 1, fullFileName.length());
                } else if (lastBackSlashPos != -1) {
                  fileName = fullFileName.substring(lastBackSlashPos + 1, fullFileName.length());
                XmlStringBuilder xml = XmlStringBuilder.createFromXmlString(fileName);
                int to = -1;
                int docSize = editor.getDocument().size();
                if (cursorLoc != -1) {
                  // Insert the attachment at the cursor location.
                  CMutableDocument doc = editor.getDocument();
                  Point<ContentNode> point = doc.locate(cursorLoc);
                  doc.insertXml(point, xml);
                } else {
                  LineContainers.appendLine(editor.getDocument(), xml);
                // Calculate the link length for the attachment.
                to = cursorLoc + editor.getDocument().size() - docSize;
                String linkValue =
                    GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "attachment/" + attachmentId + "?fileName="
                        + fileName + "&waveRef=" + encodedWaveRef;
                    editor.getCaretAnnotations(), Link.KEY, linkValue, cursorLoc, to);
                // Store the attachment information as annotations to allow
                // robots detect and process them.
                    editor.getCaretAnnotations(), "attachment/id", attachmentId, cursorLoc, to);
                    editor.getCaretAnnotations(), "attachment/fileName", fileName, cursorLoc, to);

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Related Classes of org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.impl.toolbar.attachment.AttachmentPopupWidget$Style

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