Encodes a string sequence as a single string. As per the {@link Sequence}interface, repeated strings are not supported.
The single string that holds the sequences is a comma-delimited list. There are no restrictions on the strings that can be placed in this sequence - strings are encoded and decoded appropriately. For example,
["foo", "bar"] --> ",foo,bar," ["foo,bar", "foo&baz"] --> ",foo&,bar,foo&&baz,"
All random-access methods in this implementation are linear time, so a linear number of accesses is quadratic in the worst case. This class expects a sequential access pattern, and is implemented so that
m sequential queries on an
n-sized sequence is only
O(n + m). This is not true for mutations, however: a series of
m mutations, sequential or not, will be
O(nm). For a sequence implementation that provides expected constant time complexity for all methods, see {@link LinkedSequence}.