* Drop a resource.
* @param cell The resource cell
* @see org.w3c.jigadmin.editors.ResourceCell
protected boolean dropResource(ResourceCell cell) {
RemoteResourceWrapper rrw = getSelectedResourceWrapper();
PropertyManager pm = PropertyManager.getPropertyManager();
try {
if (! pm.isExtensible(rrw)) {
return false;
} else if ((cell.isFrame() || cell.isFilter()) &&
(pm.isEditable(rrw))) {
return true;
} else if (((cell.isContainer() || cell.isResource()) &&
(! rrw.getResource().isIndexersCatalog()))
(rrw.getResource().isIndexersCatalog() &&
cell.isIndexer())) {
//must be droppped on a Container
if (rrw.getResource().isContainer()) {
//add the resource
String identifier = getIdentifier(cell, rrw);
if (identifier != null) {
TreePath path = getSelectionPath();
addResource(identifier, cell.toString(),