m_estimatedProcessedTupleCount = SUBQUERY_TABLE_ESTIMATES_HACK.minTuples;
m_estimatedOutputTupleCount = SUBQUERY_TABLE_ESTIMATES_HACK.minTuples;
Table target = ((StmtTargetTableScan)m_tableScan).getTargetTable();
TableEstimates tableEstimates = estimates.getEstimatesForTable(target.getTypeName());
// This maxTuples value estimates the number of tuples fetched from the sequential scan.
// It's a vague measure of the cost of the scan.
// Its accuracy depends a lot on what kind of post-filtering or projection needs to happen, if any.
// The tuplesRead value is also used to estimate the number of RESULT rows, regardless of
// how effective post-filtering might be -- as if all rows passed the filters.